How'd it go today?

That is some crazy azz winter and snow you are having Jimbo. Sounds like you are on top of it. My hat is off to you.

I've been to Browning. Is it all a Rez or just part of it. What tribe lives there? Thanks.

Yeah, Squish, that's what I hated about plowing, keeping one eye open to figure if and when to start.
Do the Blackfoot folks have any particular things they are known for, relative to other tribes? Just curious.
Back in the day they had the reputation of being fierce warriors. Other tribes steered clear of the Blackfoot usually.

Today I would not know anything that makes them a stand out.

There are a pile of great musicians over around Browning and Heart Butte.
Yes, a primary and back-feed, down to the last house down the way.

The second picture is has the house and garage of another customer who I've done work for several times, and just did their orchard pruning.

They let the neighbor pay for a little canopy raising of the maple over the garage, opening up more mountain view, and canopy raising some cedars to the left of the buildings that were obstructing the view of the water over the lip of the high bank.

In the first picture, the neighbor below wasn't cooperative, so I got a pretty good view opened up some more, but not totally clear. Great view 6 months a year, good view 6 months a year.
Snow again here and now 5-10cm in the forecast for the next two days. I feel like I'm stuck in one of those movies where the same day repeats itself over and over. It's perpetual winter here it would seem. People are seriously starting to lose their sh-t about winter and all this snow. It's a windfall for us plow guys now for certain.
I swear that storm we had two weeks ago has blown summer away here.
The trees are starting to colour up, elms going yellow and orange way up top, claret ash starting to show a bit of purple...summer's last hurrah is March...
Having come from a country where we only got really two seasons, hot/less hot, there is something weird about the inevitability of the change of proper seasons...they are relentless, no fighting it, it's going to happen and you can see it right in front of your eyes.
Yup, and no matter what you do, you never get everything done you were trying to get done before the weather changes lol
Just had this come through a firefighter sorry this happened. Firefighters are protectors of all. Thinking of your guys, Maximalist.

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Um, um, vell is like dis her...Bermudian. The vowels are stretched and the emphasis tends to be on the first syllable...then there are phrases and words totally unique to Bermuda, as well as some probably old English stuff, and a bit of fractured Portuguese (thanks to Azorean immigrants from the late 1800's)...there is a lot of non-verbal stuff too, the way you hold your head, eyebrows, turn your shoulders, suck your teeth...

Americans usually think I'm English, the English think I'm American...and in between I get Canadian Australian, Scottish, Irish (probably a wee bit of that in there as my folks are from Belfast...)
There is one other Bermudian that lives near here (in Tas) and we were in the bakery the other day 'chopsin in Bermudian' and they couldn't follow our conversation very well at all!
Usually though my accent is what I'd call 'Mid Atlantic' English with inflections of American and English and Carribean...just so everyone can understand!
Looks like she rides pretty smooth in the snow.

Manly man stuff.
Its like riding on top of a earth quake.

I love that description!

I can't tell if you are pushing snow or not...when I see the blade it looks like it is above the you are just having fun tooling around out there!

Hep me.