How'd it go today?

Two jobs today, both because of whinging neighbors. Also electric company on one, cleared power wires and branches overhanging the next door tree haters yard. Then hacked another one for a nice old lady, 95, because her neighbor didn't like it. Got to go back by myself tomorrow and finish dragging it out, tight spot.
I tell you I just can't catch a break at the minute, first of all the phone went quiet, really quiet, I thought it was broken. So we rattled through all the work and now we are scratching around.
Now every job I price they all want it done in October or they're not going for it, a month ago I was fighting them off with a stick now it's like I've got a witches curse on me.
I know that feeling too, Mick, picking up the phone to see if there is a dial tone. One thing though, if you were busy during the recent past, it's pretty much a given that you will be again. Slack times are tough on the mind, but that nice garden that you have could maybe use some attention? Hang in there, worry isn't a good thing for proper health, if it can be avoided. There is that old saying, self employment isn't for the weak of heart.
Cheers Jay, I know it'll come back. Holding ones nerve is the key. Just keep pricing and doing what has been working for years.
There are precedents, the French are much more seasonal in their work than the Brits who are 7days a week 52 weeks of the year sorts, there are three bank holidays in May and that signals the start of summer. You generally don't do too many scheduled removals in high summer.
Still not going to cut anyone else's grass though!
Yup, I'm not a spiritual person in the sense of having a formal religion, but a guy I much respected once told me something that I have come to see has a lot of truth to it. What he told me was that if you are deserving of getting work, it will happen. Rough spots aside, like now for example :lol:, I try to believe that.
Hang in there Mick. I ride the work roller coaster every year. Not always fun but somewhat predictable here.
I just spoke with the extension office at the University just north of us. They are looking to refer work to someone, and as it happens, I'm the only certified guy for hire in the whole friggin central U.P. (I know theres one other one). Madness I say. Told her what the hell, send me the calls. Maybe I should invest in a resistance drill and some application equipment. . .

I need a stump grinder, is what I need.

Took down a front yard tree for my stepson yesterday. Half way through he says "want me to go get the bucket truck?" (He works for a graphics company that does quite a bit of sign work)

Told him, not now, I'll be finished before you could return with it.


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Well, I was told by an elderly lady with (I think) cerebral palsy that I was chicken to climb up a dying ash tree while a storm was blowing in AND a tornado watch in effect.... well, I got a few limbs down before the storm....

I wanted to try the cherry bomb but figured I'd stick to the vortex since I have it dialed in and it was windy.
A gentleman from Tallahassee just called asking if I still guided gator hunters and after taking a year off, I think I'll take him. He has two tags for my county and sounds like a really nice fellow, a 70 year-old semi-retired doctor who's really excited about it. I've got a little more free time this year so what heck.
I went and chipped brush from a half mile long ditch project. The county is gonna straighten it out so it flows again. Boss sent four guys out Friday to do the cutting, then we get three inches of rain this weekend. This was the first time I've gotten wet feet inside of the skid steer cab. I get help tomorrow to finish cutting what they didn't get down. He's gonna be pissed when I hand him the chest waders.
I'm on light duty for a few days since I had a touch of heat exhaustion Saturday. Guessing I got dehydrated. Felt like a terrible hangover all day Sunday. Boss kinda chewed on me about it. Telling me I need to slow down on my "side" work. Only reason he knew is he called that night and my wife told him about it. I just told him I'll take Fridays off so i can rest up a bit. Conversation over
When it's HOT...

Besides carrying a quart of Pedialyte in my cooler, I'd drink a quart before I even left the house.

Preload those electrolytes!

Then, don't piss until late afternoon.
We're taking down 6 trees located very close to the property owner's home and garage. A stranger pulls up in his pickup to watch us work for a while, as we rig down huge sections of the trees at a time. After an hour or so, we decide that it's time to take ourselves a little break. The stranger introduces himself as being a tree man from a town about 100 miles east of me. Seems he's trying to put together a bid for a job that he's not capable of handling himself. His bucket truck is only a 55' model. The tree job he's trying to put a bid together for is going to require some specialized climbing and rigging gear. My name came up. He asked what I'd charge to do this one tree for him. I told him 2000 dollars. He didn't turn me down, but he didn't hire me either. Seems he's going to talk to the homeowner and present his bid, including my fees as a subcontractor. If I get the job, I'll be surprised.....but the man honestly doesn't know what else he's going to do.

I get that from landscapers here. They bite off more than they can chew or try to land a big job. I price it, never hear from them. Then see it done. They found some one to do it cheaper or my price justified them buying a ladder or renting a lift and doing it themselves on the cheap. No biggie. If it has to be cheaper than I am willing to do it for, I don't want the job.

Mike, Rob and I pieced down 3 pondo today and then the neighbour had me do 4 more drop and walks. All HO clean up
We made bank today :thumbup:
Yeah I read the thread on it a few months ago and this weekend made me think of it again. Gonna be looking into it again. Heat has never bothered me before but I've never been this old yet. I've been pushing myself a lot harder also as of late. Do you happen to have the link handy Butch?