How'd it go today?

There was a no-injuries shooting at a HS in my county ( one into the ground, one into the air, teacher tackled from behind). F$#@.

North Thurston h.s. lacey, wa
Had a couple of special jobs today.
A real dodgy beech to take down. I could tie off in another tree, but it was rotten enough that I put a zip-tie on my D-ring to lanyard into in case the whole thing keeled over and took me along.
Would have made for a fine Hunicke video, probably:)
It went fine, though.
Second job was cutting a piece of oak for the Viking ship museum in Roskilde. Shaped like a giant sling shot, basically. They need it for an exhibition of how big stones were moved back then.
Unfortunately the one they had found was a codominant top of a mid size oak. So we had to get that on the ground without busting it apart.
It was a donation to the museum from our employer, so had to be done crane.
Stripped it out and dumped the piece as vertically as possible. It made it in one piece.
Sometimes we get the weirdest jobs:D
Took down a Douglas in front of a house, chipped and logged, took nothing away, got paid €500.
Drove down the road met a bloke to whom I owed €500. Easy come, easy go.
The new fad around here seems to be "SLOW! Turtle Crossing!" signs. There is a new batch up this year not far from me. They used bigger letters this time. A good thing, as last year I was so intent on reading the small lettering, I almost ran over a turtle.:|:
Stopped in at Edge tree service, chatted (interrogate) with employer, look around. Too windy for clean ups so worked on grinder instead. Idles at 400 rpms now.
got some snow in the Sierra's on Saturday, 5-9 inches give or take


Walker, ultimately it doesn't really matter, however people will understand you better if you called brush machine a chipper and a stump machine a grinder.
Yeah, your right, I should. I see the confuse it will create. Either that or a vertical grinder ! nah, that would be confused with tub grinder, ok, chipper it is then.
so I ask this Nurse if exercise will help lower my blood pressure...she responds "yes, walking would probably be best for you"

Me: " I climb trees for a living and thought that sitting at the computer for Four days might have affected it negatively, so I might want to climb for a couple days before i come back to get it checked again?"

Nurse: "Well, You don't want to start right off with Five Miles or anything like that. You want to ease into it"

It took great effort not to laugh right in her face.
It's cultural exchange, Jim, they also have cartoons on the sex channel now. The women with gargantuan artificially inflated breasts. Kids love it. I guess you don't watch.
Helped my dad with a "Bad Boy" mower. The inside of the air filter was soaked in oil, rust rings on the spark plugs, the dip stick, plastic, was half melted, it was ugly! 187 hours on the clock. I did a compression test because the engine all but stalled when you turned on the blades, 150psi in one cylinder, 75psi in the other, I think? the engine is toast!
One of the 270 year old lindens in the alley to the castle, we take care of, had collapsed from it's own weight and fallen against it's neighbour.
Didn't much feel like climbing the wreck and piecing it out, so instead of asking myself the usual WWBD, I asked myself what Jim would do.
I figured I knew the answer to that.
So we got hold of the biggest tractor around, set an 18 ton Dyneema half way up the tree and ripped the whole thing out in one piece.
Sounds dramatic, but we did it real slow and it worked perfectly.
Sometimes all you need is a bigger hammer:D
I tried a multiple notch yesterday on a white birch. I wanted to walk it away from a fence but also had to dip it under some other trees. As well I wanted to keep the trunk off the ground so I could easily cut all the branches off. So I made a series of small notches and let it move real slow but it worked. Birch holds a hinge realy well of course. The tree moved down a few feet, over a few feet, then down a few more feet settling just above the ground. I have a big catalpa I'm gonna do that to this week. Maybe I'll get pictures of it. Anyone else have experience with multiple notches?
Page, was it a very small face, allowing closure without speed enough to break the hinge, then another face, or...?

a guideline I've heard for having to cut a second face cut is to go 1.5- 2 diameters up or down the trunk. this would be too re-aim the felling direction.