How'd it go today?

Took this morning off, ate lunch with a friend, ground stumps this afternoon.

Gonna post some pics when I get home of a tree I "dead wood(ed)" yesterday.

Tomorrow I travel to a po-dunk down in AL to remove a tree at the mother 's house of a client.

I'll get back with you on the crane tonnage, next week I think I'll be playing with a crane that's good for 14klbs @ 90'.

Was it an old crane or newer design? I'm thinking it's around a seventy ton

Eating Mexican at the moment :)
we pruned about 20 some small oaks today, I even skipped out for 3 hours for a meeting whliest the guys pruned and cleaned up. tomorrow we go back to do about 10 more trees then I get to send a bill. nice.
I made approx. $700 last week after expenses.
I'm looking to clear close on $900 this week if I hussle.
Michigan BLOWS this season...
and I've still got workers asking, "What have you done for me lately ?"
I HATE being self-employed today.
My top employee cleared $160 today. I made $170 before overhead.
People just do NOT get it !!!
I'd do it without blinking if I had reliable workers. My current rate is $40 per man hour >>> This should be MORE than enough to turn a profit ?!?
Slow people, low motivation, inexperience (TRAINING = $$$ ), and my current dilema... FAMILY !!!
They act so ENTITLED !
Jesus F**king Chr*st, when are people gonna stand up & represent themselves ???
The easier you are on employees ( & FAMILY !) , the more they suck off your tit.
Rant over.
Excellent jobs everybody.

I deadwooded a pine over the road, cleared a huge euc hanger,
Roped for a newbie's pine removal, leaner over the road, streetlight and phone line.

The guy took the top too big, I told him piece it out, where he took the top
I could only let it run for about 6 inches, nothing before the streetlight.

I should have gotten a video, he forgot to slack his climbline, tied into another tree and had one of
the ugliest cowboy rides I've seen. Saw over his head, lost his spurs, no handed 360.

At least he had his chinstrap on.

Poor Guy, little hardheaded. We talked afterward about what had happened.
You are on the downed Ponderosa's still Willie? How are you getting them off of the structures? Did ya have to bring in a crane?
got them off sat. got them short as i could from both ends and rolled it off the side. couldnt get the crane then but hell be there tommorrow to pick another. i didnt see there is a long guy wire from a high voltage pole under the highest limb so i left some fluff at the top and will pick the log in 2 bits. this is the tree that hit the neighbors house. we did a different job yesterday
Lets see, so far I've been to the Farmer's Market, carried some paper work to my brother since he forgot it, visited ma, made some phone calls, and submitted a job application.
knocked over a very big Poplar today ,my guess is she will weigh around 12 tons,I knocked a few of the side branches of then felled the stick using my 3120 with 42'' bar ,bloody hard work..

I'll get somes pics tomorrow there's plently left to show yous all..:whine:
I thinned a bunch of trees, not thinned trees per say but took out trees where the guy had planted too many then I did an odd job. The same guy has a neighbor who has a 30' easement in the back of his place to access his house. Well the neighbor didn't like these eucs and arizona cypress trees that my client had planted along the easement so he had an attorney send this guy a letter reminding him that in the right of way agreement it guaranteed the neighbor "unencumbered access" and these trees were about a foot into the easement. So we removed about 50 trees and chipped them all onto the ground. Here are before and after pictures.
I put new brakes, exhaust, tune up, oil and filters, grease and a wash job on the bucket truck.
The Good:
Finished my last big silver maple job the other just before the lightning hit nearby.
Started a nice job for a school teacher.
The school teacher's neighbor is very cute.

The Bad:
We've had at least three weeks of 100+ temperatures and my energy is flagging.
I don't want to use the "D" word so I'll say I had to leave the job site with an intestinal emergency.
Returned to the job site feeling much better, only to find myself at the top of a medium sized boxelder five feet from a paper wasp nest. Eight stings later I was on the ground. I climbed the other half of the tree and used my silky hayuchi at full extension to knock down the nest. Two more stings. I'll be back in that tree in the a.m.
I didn't leave the job because I got stung. I left because it was the end of the day, the wasps were still circling in the canopy and I ran out of fingers to count my stings. I am a little sore and swollen but not that bad. Thankfully I am not allergic.
Darin, get some hornet foam for the next day, and maybe some Sqwuincher to help you out in the heat! :)
good on you for toughing it out though!