Cat falls 80' and lives

Well Tom AKA Alpine Tree cut a limb from under a cat and is was about 70 feet in the air at the time .Hit the ground and skeddadled .Came back the next day unscathed .

I've always maintained if a cat can climb up they should be bright enough to climb down .I got clawed up by one years ago and I'll never go after another one .
Hmm you might be on to something there .They have little rain coats for dogs why not a parachute for a stupid cat that doesn't have the sense to climb down .

I see it all now .A remote controlled rocket to launch the feline out of the tree and a self opening chute .I'll bet that cat would be pizzed if nothing else .:lol:

Then again being a typical cat once it lit down it would probabley shinny up the first tree it came to then sit there and meow like the idiot it is .
I think those hexa copters might seriously come in handy for kitty rescue.... :D

There is a video out there where someone made one of those out of his dead cat. I'm sure I posted it in the video thread. He was actually flying his taxidermied cat.