Caitlyn Jenner

O.k.... now you got me confused. Oh, wait... I already was.

Edit! I didn't mean confused in THAT way!...... ahhhh! Poor guy!
Know two people that have sex changed. Connie was a Super Butch became Con ... Beard and all very convincing. Bruce an equipment operator became Brianna .... Didn't come out as good. Whole weird thing goes into the "WHATEVER" file.
I agree. We should hold her up to the Russians as a fine example of personal freedoms available in the US, make Ms. Jenner the US ambassador in Moscow.
It may suprise a few that I really don't care if a guy wants to cut his cock off and wear a dress. Shows commitment if nothing else
I do find all the "oh isn't he/she brave" being true to him/herself thing a bit galling, especially when there's a lucrative docu drama at the end of it.
There was an episode of The Simpsons where there was a gay pride parade and they sung the chant "we're here, we're queer, get used to it!" To which Lisa shouted back "we are used to it, you do this every year"