Blocking off work sites.


Cheesehead Treehouser
Nov 5, 2006
Neenah, Wisconsin
I just sold a job that involves pruning and removing several trees that are in a church and a bank parking lot. I need to stop out the night before and cone off many parking spots so that we will have access to the trees. We don't have enough cones or signs to block all the spots off. I will need to buy something but I am not sure what. We were going to purchase new cones anyways, but still not enough to block out everything. What have you guys used in situations like this? I was thinking about some type of stands that I can run caution tape between. And it has to look professional. Thoughts?
Stick some poles in the top of your cones, then some Caution Tape.

People will get out of their cars to move cones in order to take a parking spot, but they will not move brush. Go out with your pole pruner and knock a couple limbs out of each tree and use the brush to block the parking spots.
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I thought about sticking poles in the cones and then using caution tape but I am concerned that they will tip or blow over. Have you done this before Brendon?

I will end up getting more cones no matter what but not enough. There is no way I would ever want or need enough cones to totally block off the work area. After I buy a new set, we will have about 25 total and that won't even cover half of the work area.

I also think that brush would work, but might not look very professional since its going to have to be there over night and this church is located in a very busy part of town where all of the night life is.
I've never done it, but I've seen it and can't imagine the cone would blow over unless the cones are super tiny.

A waist high pole would do.
Don't they have weighted collars that you can slip over the cones to keep them from blowing over, or is that just an Asian thing that masterminds came up with against typhoons or whatever?
People will get out of their cars to move cones in order to take a parking spot, but they will not move brush. Go out with your pole pruner and knock a couple limbs out of each tree and use the brush to block the parking spots.

Now, THAT is a great tip, Brian!!! :thumbup::thumbup:

I had a lady drive around a cone and over one of my lines ... in spite my of screaming and waving. :X

... she just smiled, sweetly and waved back, BLESS-HER-HEART!!! ... :|:
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I think that would probably work as long as we keep the posts short enough so they don't get top heavy. I have seen the weighted base before but I am not sure where to get them off hand. I will look into that.
'Professional' is being able to secure your work area and not have to deal with cars parked underneath the trees you're working on. If the parking lot is as busy as you claim during the evenings then I suggest cones and tape will not be sufficient. BTW, you don't need to put sticks into cones to hang tape on them, just tie a loop in the tape and drop it over the cone.

My other suggestion is to make absolutely sure that the cars have plenty of room to continue through your work area unimpeded. Many tree guys do not understand this concept and will do things like blocking off half of a traffic lane. Blocking half a lane doesn't work, you need to either open the lane or block it off and give traffic a clear, alternative route. Many drivers are incapable of backing up and if they come upon a lane halfway blocked off they have to choose between backing up or driving through. ALWAYS make sure there is a wide open, clear path for traffic.
Given the choice, I use logs to block my work area. If I park the truck on a city street to load debris (and block the street to prevent accidents), people will occasionally stop and ask me to move my truck. I've found they rarely argue with a couple thousand pound log or two blocking their path. Also it keeps them further off of me, since I load the trailer from the end 90% of the time.

I figure it's only a matter of time until I back the loader into someone's car. In my minds eye they will be trying to zip past me, I won't see them, and I'll shove the loader's 5klb backside into their hood or door.
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Maybe these are the answer. Grainger also has cone stabilizers for sale.

I dont think the parking lot will be busy at night, but I need to keep the parking spots clear for when we start the next day. There will be plenty of parking in other parts of the parking lot but I just have to break people of their habit of parking in their regular spot.
Sandbags work ok too, placed on the base of a cone to stabilize, but it is helpful to have another use for sandbags if you go to the trouble to make them. Good for men at work signs and stuff, things that easily blow over. If you make them, use white bags, it helpe to keep people from running over them. :roll:
I was gonna suggest the brush technique, but it doesn't look very professional.

But it definitely works!
Just put out cones on all your corners and run caution tape around the perimeter.

Brush is tacky, and a pain in the ass.
Rent signs or cones. When we do large parking lot jobs we start early and work in the busiest areas and as the day progresses we move out further where parking is rarely an issue. Rentals are cheap here, we use them when we have to sign multiple streets for lane closures.