4:45 pm and it's pitch black outside....


Mar 24, 2020
Southeast, Alaska
Damn, living at 56.5 degrees north latitude has it's disadvantages...4:00 pm and it's pitch black out. Tired of this already....

@stig how are you? See you are in this boat as well...
We're getting about an hour more light than you, but yep, it sux. About 45 degrees north lat. here.

My own home state Oregon, and other west coast states, are asking Congress to allow them to stay at Daylight Savings Time all year.

As I understand it, Congress some years ago passed legislation to allow states to opt out of shifting from Standard Time to DST, but did not allow for holding to DST all year. I dunno why.
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yeah, Burnham I just need to get through the next couple of months and then things will get better...just whining I guess!
I love the dark days. Currently, sunset is 4:56. I'd like to try perpetual twilight some time. That would be amazing :^)
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I guess up here in the land of the north we just have to endure the fall/winter times...spring/summer is great for getting things done after work etc. not so much this time of year! Oh yeah, cocktail hour has to start much earlier!
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Yeah, started snowing today so that's a good sign to put an end to it while I'm ahead.

Or less behind?
59.9 here and yes it’s getting dark early.

It gets to 1830 and it feels like 2130 and almost bedtime. It usually takes a couple of weeks for the body clock to adjust. We had snow about 3 weeks ago but it was a freak show. Gone in a day and warmed up.

Now it is 1degree C.

Makes for nice fresh days though.
I never has bothered me.
My x-wife used to suffer from daylight deprivation, for her it was a good thing once we passed winter solstice.

Only thing is, it is hard to make good wages logging when the working day is short.
I'd love Maine to stay on dst year round, or join the atlantic time zone. Imo an extra hour of evening light seems way more civilized. Pitch dark at 510 right now, 43° later.

There is something nice about the rhythm of the year. With 9 hours of daylight, I can enjoy relaxing without feeling like I should be busy.
We're getting about an hour more light than you, but yep, it sux. About 45 degrees north lat. here.

My own home state Oregon, and other west coast states, are asking Congress to allow them to stay at Daylight Savings Time all year.

As I understand it, Congress some years ago passed legislation to allow states to opt out of shifting from Standard Time to DST, but did not allow for holding to DST all year. I dunno why.
I believe it has to do with safety for children walking to school and waiting for busses in the pitch black of an early winter morning. Probably doesn't matter anymore as they're all glowing faces reflecting the luminous smartphones to which they are transfixed.
great about Portugal in that sense. winter is dark by 5.30, summer would be up to 9.40.
under 40cs, now had 8 hs climbing, plus a few hs clearing, please call me masochist or worst.
around here we work on thin long sleeves in winter, when its hot we cut the sleeves off. :D
I was just thinking how much it sucks that the dark days don't last so long :^D Standard time, and short days is when I'm my happiest. I think I just need to be farther north. Like waaaaay north. Hire Kyle to weld up some pipe to bring the sun in north :^D
I love it that it gets dark and I have to go home. I cant stand it in the summer when the excuse to shut things down and go home doesn't seem to ever come.
John is a complete opposite to me as well.

Missed the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn tonight. Maybe I'll see it next time. Great Conjunction 2020: Best time to see planets' Christmas kiss - https://www.9news.com.au/national/great-conjunction-2020-christmas-kiss-jupiter-and-saturn/946d2a90-5910-46e1-a73b-b476e138fa8c

Raining all day, can you believe that. Drought and clear sky for years and every time I want to see something it's cloudy or raining. Missed Halley's Comet as well, the blood moon and the space station when it went over here.

There's a couple of others I forget now. But I did see Sputnik 1 at 2.30am in 1957, guess not many here can say that so it'll have to do.