my personal opinion is that if it isn't mowed or weeded sufficiently for effecient raking it shall not receive an efficient raking. I gather the big pieces and worry not about twiglets and leaves.
Here is a quote from my bid forms. I don't always include it, but occasionally I do if I feel it is necessary:
"All job generated debris will be raked from planting areas. Hard surfaces will be swept, and blown clean".
I use the manual feed weed wacker heads. The tap-and-go just brake down too quickly.
Of all the whip line I have used including all the aftermarket stuff, the Stihl line seems to be the best.
Husky, and all the others 'outsource' their whip line while Stihl is the only one that makes it themselves.
The Stihl line seems to hold up better for me.
Whip line will usually break at the grommet in the whip head. You need to develop a sensitive hand when operating the clearing saw or weed wacker. A heavy hand will snap whip line in seconds while a good operator can go all day.
Berry Vines and woody stalks can be whipped to strip off the vegetative stuff, then go back with a blade or gas powered hedger to mulch the rest.
I usually work on mulching rather than the 'scorched earth' method of stripping everything and hauling it away.