Welcome ME!!!!! hopefully??? - New Member Thread


Aug 20, 2017
Phoenix, Arizona
Hahaha Just kidding I have been lurking around here(and other sub-par imo arborist forums) long enough to tell that ya'll are the most relaxed and probably are the most willing to share ideas and such... Plus you guys seem to be the home group for some of the most respectable and most well decorated climbers around the world. Luckily in Arizona we have a great group of senior arborists and climbers, many of whom have been in logging and forestry for years as well as urban arboriculture out here, who are willing to teach to all who are eager to learn. I have been fully immersed in trees for about 2 and a half years now with much experience to gain and much to learn. I hope you will accept my humble contributions to this forum with tolerance and understanding as I am a young arborist with much to learn. I have no interest in taking on jobs that I don't have the experience/knowledge to handle and I am mature enough to recognize when it's better to be a tree-man than a cowboy. Live a long life rather than be sorry for making an inexperienced mistake. Plus the Landscape Design/Maintenance aspect gives me some other angles of income. Anyway, I really enjoy all of you guys and your personalities and experience. I feel as if this is a place where I belong - not only to learn, but to fellowship with people that truly experience the same frustrations and problems as I, is therapeutic and refreshing. Many thank yous to all of you. (will get signature together a.s.a.p.)

- Dalton Gormey
Owner/ISA Certified Arborist
Serious Landscaping and Grounds Care LLC.
Welcome to the TreeHouse, Dalton! :beer:

Make yourself at home, and don't fret over your sig - it's no biggie.

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No siree but I have been lurking around other forums as well, I actually was raised in an internet generation, started in computer programming, and ended up finding a passion in Arboriculture and Horticulture.(More Trees than Shrubs but you get it)
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Not to be sound callous or overzealous to other Arborist sites but just saying you guys are the shit and I have been lurking around all of the above long enough to figure out I wanted to join your group of members first and foremost but don't think I am blind to the others, All different paths and producers of tree knowledge is what I am about - not to mention local education (which we are lucky for)
Great intro there, Dalton. Looking forward to seeing what paths you steer this crowd down. Only takes a slight nudge sometimes to get a fine ball of ......... rolling along. Post your questions, pictures, etc. and let's see what occurs.
Welcome and well done for taking the plunge to start posting!
I have a similar background, lots of landscaping before getting hooked on trees. This place is great for allowing you the space and time to work out your new ideas, bad ideas great ideas!