The Branch Doctor
This last week...no.
I was getting up hating tree work....its getting better now.
Glad it's getting better for ya mang!
This last week...no.
I was getting up hating tree work....its getting better now.
Jamin, Colorado is in the middle of the country so it shoud be here-Right? ( I know, somewhere in the middle of Kansas is the actual center of the country but there is nothing there to climb but a pathetic Siberian Elm )
In the middle of Kansas you would be hard pressed to find any trees .
Oh I was just kidding about Kansas being barren of trees .How some ever there aren't many on I-70 , on the western side . Then again the eastern side of Colorado is not really what you would call timber country either .Great place to hang out, just short on the time lately.
And you guys no nothing about Kansas....You just need to know were to look for tree's....