Viburnam Dentata(sp?) Blue Muffin - Is It Any Good?

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Jul 21, 2019
Per the title. Someone ditched some potted shrubs on the farm, and if it's a nice plant, I'll take it home. There's an azalea I'm gonna take, and some mystery plants I'm considering also.
Good for what? If it's alive, why not throw it in the ground and see if you like it?

I like viburnum on woods edges, most spp. can look kinda weedy for right by the house
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  • #3
Good for not being a PITA I guess. Looks ok, doesn't try to take over the world, and doesn't require much from me. There's a boxwood there also. Not a chance in hell I'd bring that home. Boxwood's awful. These are fairly big plants. They were rootbound in now missing 2G containers, so it's a bit of work getting them home/in the ground. Don't want to invest the time in a pest.
Why do you hate the boxwood?
It's a very slow growing evergreen with a wood extremely hard. I can't see it as a pest. It was massively planted in the castles and parks. It's endangered here. Since a few years, a caterpillar eat all the leafs and young bark in only a few days and very often kills it. I mean, massive damages in the landscapes.
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  • #6
A conversation between me and boxwood...

I'm just getting home from work...

Boxy: Hey, bro! I need haircut!

Me: WTF?! I gave you a cut last month :^/

Boxy: Yea, I need another one. Need to look good for the ladies.

Me: I'm not hot and tired from my real job or anything. I'd LOVE to give you a trim :^S

Me: WTF dude?! You smell like a catbox. Did you piss yourself??

Boxy: You know I'm sensitive about that! I can't help the way I was created. Just take a little off the top, and get rid of the ragged ends.

Me: Sigh...
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  • #7
From left to right...

Viburnam, Mahogany leaf shrubbery(no idea), Deleware Valley White Azalea. In the front is some cabbage looking things I grabbed too.

The cabbage looking things are cabbage, so not shrubs

Slap those shrubs in the ground, they'll look great in a few years
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  • #9
I'm most excited about the azalea. I need some daylight so I can figure out where they're going. I want to look at my big white pine out back for the azalea. I want to deprive it of light so it isn't too vigorous. I like when they get leggy, with patchy leafing. Not sure though. Gotta look everything over. I need to leave room for persimmon. I was gonna get a couple trees late last year, but never got it. Those will go where my apple was.
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  • #10
Raining, so I've been planting the shrubs at woods borders around the farm. Since Marc seemed interested, I looked at the boxwood. ~200# burlapped rootballs, and smells like cat piss :^D If I'm bored before they get trashed, I might plant them some place on the farm where I won't have to deal with them.

Thinking about putting a mahogany leaf bush around the office, but I don't know what it'll turn into. Anyone know?

IMG_20210105_114544.jpg IMG_20210105_114411.jpg IMG_20210105_114351.jpg
The boxwood doesn't grow that fast by far. A cut once a year is the most, and only if you want it to look artificially shaped and smooth/shaved. The natural growth look is way better in my opinion. I have to agree on the smell of the boxwood though: it isn't very tasty, overall when the air is hot. But I still prefer it to the thuya's smell, I can't stand that and was near to be sick when I trimmed the edges, not even speaking shredding it, awful.