Unicender & Rope Wrench


Apr 6, 2014
So I ordered in the CE climb kit from tree stuff which consists of the hitch climber and I got the 200' of tachyon option. So for that I bought rope wrench. Well everything else came in but the ce climb kit. I was going to use it for the steep slippery job, anchoring to another tree so I could walk a bunch of down spruces that have been rained on for weeks. With my 150' hank of poison ivy I could run a ddrt system with the uni. I've always hated that you have to toss the rope around the uni while on a limb walk because then you can't really just let go without a hold and reach out with the hand saw. So I improvised and use the rope wrench today; it worked quite well to be able to use the uni with one hand for positioning. Tell me what you think?


Oh I turned the biner 180 degrees so the rope wrench didn't slide down while "ascending" up the rope.
I ran something similiar in the past, but instead of the stiff tether i used a 4 inch double dog leash snap connected to the top hole of the uni. Worked pretty well.
My Bulldog Bone does the same, but is only a fraction of the size, and easier to install.
demo video I made the other day
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/DfZSclf_GSo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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  • #7
My Bulldog Bone does the same, but is only a fraction of the size, and easier to install.

Hey Surveyor that looks pretty interesting and definitely caught my attention. Are you planning to make them available and still in the R&D stages? If be interested in getting one. PM if there is an opportunity at one, I'll pay.
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  • #12
Where is the rope runner available? I think I looked a couple weeks(maybe month?) and didn't see them anywhere. Just saw a lot of talk about them and how the prototypes are loved.
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  • #13
Silver- have you tried the barrel attachment for the UNI? Some have called it the uni rope wrench, works great.

I haven't tried one, honestly the only reason I bought the rope wrench was because I bout the CE climb kit from tree stuff so I could run it srt if desired. The other day it worked great mostly due to my weight being pulled parallel with the rope. Today I was working on some elms and tried this set up again and it was particularly difficult to pull slack into the system while standing on the spar and being about the same height as my TIP on another stem. So I won't be using this as much as I though I would be. I'm definitely interested in the other two mechanicals that have been mentioned in this thread though. Just would like to try different things out and figure out what works best for me.
Regarding the Unicender barrel attachment, I would be happy to incorporate it into my system. However, it appears that they are "out of stock" at Thompson Tree Tools and have been for the last year or so. If anyone knows where they may be purchased, I would love to know as well.
Thank you. I will do as you suggest. It looks like the drum will accomplish the same improvement as the barrel.
Remember though that with the drum you still have to wrap the rope around the top whereas with the barrel you do not have to do this.