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When you produce and market a product for industrial use you are assuming responsibility that it is fit for purpose, a 'duty of care' so to speak. Many countries have strict standards and criteria in place to protect the workers. Ultimately if something goes wrong in the field, somebody is going to be held accountable. You cant just throw some untested, load bearing concept with no documentation out there and hope for the best. At least, i wouldnt Brian, if I were you. Be careful what you put your name to. Thats sound advice.
Bixler, couldn't you send him a couple to try out and in return get an honest review? I really like the concept and will be purchasing these as I can see a use for them. I can also see Reg's point of liability. I personally try new tools or new ways of doing things where I have room for a learning curve.
I've been driving wood together by pounding for over forty years, much less time spent with screws because I don't generally build stuff that way, but on occasion. Sometimes you can pound the sheet out of something and it won't go together as desired, but a properly arranged screw will suck it right together. The loss of force through vibration and such is a big element. A different application and I think Reg's concerns are well taken, but a screw can bring a lot of consistent pressure force and overcome resistance in a way that pounding can't.. In conjunction with a wedge is an unknown to me. Screws also generally work best with a pre-drilled pilot hole. With the screw added wedge and simply driving into wood without pre-drilling, might not make for the best holding power at the threads. Hopefully the wood doesn't become weakened so that the screw won't drive properly. With green wood probably less a factor.
That unless you point out some limitations in these videos, somebody with high expectations could easily get hurt, or worse Brian. Thats not good.

Word. Make it a point to show some limits of this thing. Create some sort of limit on it, so someone doesn't go out and be like, hey, I can wedge this 36" tree over with this new advanced wedge of mine, and finds out it can't do the job and the tree goes the wrong way and hurts or kills the faller. You say its not perfect for every situation, so show us what it isn't perfect for and why.
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Thanks Reg, I appreciate the advice, something I hold high and take into consideration.

Ok RangeeDangee, sounds like you need me to get some more footage of it used in the field, I'll keep you updated...