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- #76
The pictures say it all...a takedown it was.
I printed out pertinent pages from this thread and let the owner read what such a highly educated, highly qualified group thought about topping the tree (I did leave out the page where Stumper called him a kook for the metal cap idea
He was considering waiting until spring to remove the tree but finally decided to go ahead and get it done today...when he asked how much more for the takedown vs the topping I told him I'd do it at the same price...and also included taking down a 40' dead pine pole, no bark, REAL dead...I think the freebie probably helped seal the deal.
There was a small sweetgum about one foot away from the dead pine. I climbed the gum to about 30 feet, leaned over and topped the spar...then put a pull rope in and dropped the remaining 30 feet from the ground...probably 30 minutes.
I printed out pertinent pages from this thread and let the owner read what such a highly educated, highly qualified group thought about topping the tree (I did leave out the page where Stumper called him a kook for the metal cap idea

He was considering waiting until spring to remove the tree but finally decided to go ahead and get it done today...when he asked how much more for the takedown vs the topping I told him I'd do it at the same price...and also included taking down a 40' dead pine pole, no bark, REAL dead...I think the freebie probably helped seal the deal.
There was a small sweetgum about one foot away from the dead pine. I climbed the gum to about 30 feet, leaned over and topped the spar...then put a pull rope in and dropped the remaining 30 feet from the ground...probably 30 minutes.