Stumper teeth?

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Jan 15, 2011
Delavan, WI
I have a sc652 and want to see what people are running for teeth. Right now I have the Yellow Jacket teeth and like them well enough but have been looking at Greenteeth and the Evolution wheel. We have a mixed bag of glacial tailings and clean soil so teeth that can take a beating are a plus. Anybody have experience running the 1100 series Greenteeth and if so do you think they are too much for a 65hp machine? The beef of them is very appealing.
I would run the 900 series or the Revolution wheel. We're a dealer for both, and I have a machine with each.
Just my opinion.....tried just about every tooth on the market through the years. Greenteeth will throw chips 20-30 ft from your grinding area. Sometimes they even landed on the roof. Did not like them although they were easy to change. Also, when dull they seem to hammer the stump instead of cutting resulting in increased wear on the machine.

Sandvik/Revolution wheels and teeth appear to be longest lasting/sharp edge, better chip retention, best cutting, and much easier to sharpen.
Interesting info, Menchhofer.

I run the vermeer pro teeth. The bad news is they break off fairly easily, which means the good news is the machine usually is run with pretty sharp teeth cuz they don't last long enough to get dull. But the unscheduled downtime to replace the broken teeth otj is a pita.

You mention sharpening the Sandvik teeth. I assume you mean you replace them as needed in the field and then sharpen them in bulk periodically
Guess it depends on situation. Have never replaced them in the field. Always wait till we get back to shop. If only a few are broken they are replaced. And yes, we do sharpen when we get a few dull. 95 per cent of time only the very outer teeth show wear. Inner ones we have never had to sharpen in 4 years.
Do you have rocky/bouldery ground there?
The Sanvik based wheels do have outstanding tooth life and reduced throw. The 7015TRX I just bought has 900 series Green Teeth, I may convert it over to the Revolution, but I'm not sure.
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Hmmm Sanvik!?! That may be my next wheel once I burn up my teeth supply.
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Greenwheel no but it looks good.

Do any of you guys send your teeth out to be re-tipped? Or re-tip them yourself? I found a place that can do yellow jackets for $7.45 a tooth where as $9.50 for new.
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There is a online place "" the site is cheesy. I found the site thru an AS member and I called them today to see if they would offer a discount if they didn't have to desolder the carbide. They wouldn't go lower but I might do it anyway to keep the carbide as scrap.
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Ya that has to be a bummer, find a good deal only to loose it in the shipping.
When I was running the old Vermeer pro teeth I would melt the solder on the tips, flip them over and silver solder them back on. Nice and sharp again. Not sure if the Yellow Jackets are flat so you could do that.

With the round Green teeth with the stud clamped in a power drill in reverse I hold it against a green wheel stone on a bench grinder going the other way.
I have a Carlton 40hp machine. Considering green teeth. I don't need a new wheel yet.....or should I consider it.

Rocks abound here
Anyone use multi tip? I recently sharpened 32 (1/2 badly worn) green teeth 900s with the power drill and it was the most tedious 90 minutes of my life-might have to build that drill press contraption green teeth recommends.