You guys would lose. Would you trust yourself to hold with one hand a 4ft. long, 6 inch dia. log? If you do, you must have huge hands and the strength of a gorilla. A guy using two hands could easily hold a 6 ft. long piece.
I can easily manuver the spider's bucket with one hand and without looking. In fact, I rarely look at the controls and after almost 700 hours in the machine, I move the bucket around without even having to think about which lever to push and in which direction.
On Dave's lift, the bucket rotates so you can actually work off the small end, much like a standard bucket. I personally like the 2 man bucket. It allows me to take my small ice chest with my drinks with me. I also take a 20 gal. trash can in the bucket when doing palms. I put all the paper like fiber in it. That saves a lot of ground clean up time.