...setting blocks easy way...

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Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
.....I used to spend the time getting up and out to places to set blocks with slings....later going back to same spot to retrieve rigging. Lately I have been setting blocks from the ground. Use the extra ropes but they are easy to fix fouled lines or retrieve and re set. Seems a time saver so far
.....I used to spend the time getting up and out to places to set blocks with slings....later going back to same spot to retrieve rigging. Lately I have been setting blocks from the ground. Use the extra ropes but they are easy to fix fouled lines or retrieve and re set. Seems a time saver so far

Trying to follow this
You put the block on a rope, threw over limb, and ancher where?
Base of tree?
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....lacking a sweet spot over the hole I have set Block way out between two neighbor trees before with good results
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Just thinking you can make your rigging point stonger by using multiple crotches
..... Yep but allow for movement resulting in sag....I run a 5 / 8 high line to position block. Make the sonafabitch tight with winch and ascender and the block will do it's thing Jes fine
Great technique, but watch out, you're putting 4x the force and weight of the load on the anchor point, instead of a normal 2x.

Hey man, I actually don't understand this concept. Would this be also true for SRT? I read a similar comment on "The downside of Srt," but I didn't understand that either. :|: Could you explain?
If you tie a rope to a limb and hang 100 lbs on the rope - 100 lbs of force is added to the limb. Tie a block to the limb run a rope thru the block and hang 100 lbs on one end of the rope.....100lbs of resistance must be on the other end of the rope to keep it from running. Therefore 200lbs of downward pressure have been added to that limb. Throw a rope over the limb, drag a block up with a rope strung through it . With your 100 lb weight on one end being counteracted with 100 lbs on the other endYou are nows putting 200lbs of load on the block side of your over the limb rope-that must be counteracted with 200lbs on the other end so you are up to 400 lbs loaded on your limb. Technically the numbers are not truly that high due to friction but rough and ready figures are essentially true