Saw video thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frankie
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Let’s see the 572xp”grind and shined” vid or someone’s a skid
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So ... you are supposedly selling a “grind and shined” 572xp with Husqvarna 28” bar and x cut c83 3/8 .05 for $1200 but no videos of it in operation? You sure you are doing a FULL port job on it ? Or just a “lipstick job” cause there’s no way I wood do it for that coin dude !
I know you wouldn't, you've said so
I’m not really interested in “port for hire” and all the associated nonsense and BS that goes with that territory ... I do my own personal saws and have done a few for close associates that do tree/work - firewood-processing with me .

Chainsaws are already over priced in my opinion, I enjoy saving people money, besides there's enough left over for me. Anyway, I don't have a log big enough to be worth videoing right now. One is on order the next time the local tree co gets a good one.
Yah , let’s stick to YOUR statement nutball , no need to try and obfuscate the matter by quoting me - not winning any points with me bro ... YOU just said $1200 for a 572xp with bar/chain “grind and shined” but NO pics ? Videos ? Nada ? Tell ya what nutball , send me your “grind and shined” power head and I’ll run it against me saws and if it runs with em I’ll give ya the scoots(PHO) ... If not it’s being sent back to Tennessee with a “Kilroy was here sticker on the box” .... no product then I call bullshit and “someday” never comes ! :P
I dont need points with you, and I wouldn't want your pet rat chewing holes in my saw's air filter cover. My word is good enough. If someone isn't happy with what they get, they can send it back.

I'm just messing with you, man. I'm really a nice person.
I don’t have a “pet rat” nutball so get that idear right out of your head ... obviously you have no issues being deceitful , I’m sure the “geniuses” over at ope trained you well in “forumspeak” and gave you your “keyboard warrior” green-card ! Adios pal ... nobodys F’n with Frankie !!!
Cool it bro, I'm just messing with you is all. The smilies aren't available on my phone for some reason, so they aren't around to lighten the mood. Some very recent problem I guess on my end.
572's PHO and some with 20" can be bought 799 all day ;) from few dealers on my CRG I know for sure. MI NY OH.
999 suggested high retail to list at. Nobody buys them at that price in the know.
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I can get em for that with wrap handle and dawgz bro ... 😆 ... Brand new 572xp Wrap handle with big dawgs and larger clutch cover - tuned pipe exhaust $900 + shipping ... 572xp wrap handle with big dawgz and larger clutch cover Hotwoods ported $1250 + shipping ... put THAT in your pipe and smoke it buster ... :P
Sounds like your off your meds again. :|::lol::P

Just 2 of many threads and sites banned from.

Lets see today it is Frankie, but has been Fabz, Frank Rizzo, Fwank Wizzo,

I’m not on any meds bro ...wrong again buffalo-breath ! As far as those Shit-shows that pretend they are forums why don’t you go over there and play with like-minded folk ... heavens knows they are all “chainsaw geniuses” over there ... NOT ; in fact anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda or knows enough to be a threat to them they ban 😆 ...not only that but they have “duplicate” user names and mess with peoples profiles so how do you know who sez what hahaha !!! ... you seem like u have an “axe” to grind sir ... I’d suggest you start a thread of your own and show us all how it’s done - that “wood” be more productive use of your time ... BC4C1D67-5A18-44BC-A3D0-C363F257AF0A.jpeg :P use “Ohioans” sure are some messed-up folk I tell ya
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There are 2 known ways to get ahead in this world ... do everything you can to improve yourself and your situation or try and cut others down hoping to come out with a stronger competitive advantage ... the second way is obviously the loser way ... anyone who employs the second strategy are perpetual under-performers ... I try to avoid them like the plague ! :P
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Wow doing some reading on this cold morning and come across another place your banned. This must be the only place that allows you to post still. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lets see today it is Frankie, but has been Fabz, Frank Rizzo, Fwank Wizzo, etc etc

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Wow doing some reading on this cold morning and come across another place your banned. This must be the only place that allows you to post still. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lets see today it is Frankie, but has been Fabz, Frank Rizzo, Fwank Wizzo, etc etc

View attachment 98367
Dude , Are u a complete arshole or what ? Why don’t ya go play in traffic and leave ol Frankie be ? :P