Removal Rumble

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Dec 20, 2012
Nevada City,CA
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Had to wrestle these trees down...

Messing around with editing, songs, etc...

Some good, some bad, hope you guys still enjoy the show...


Nice video Brian... I am interested in what your viewer retention is on the longer vids 10-15minutes.

I like the vignette-ing and the different temp/exposure cuts, keeps it interesting. The sawdust looks rad in negative huh?

One gripe, and its not against one handing in general but I feel like some of the onehanded cuts could have been easily done with two hands. I wont say that one handing is the devil or that I am beyond reproach but its good practice to try and make as many cuts two handed as possible. Its one thing to cut and chuck holding the branch, but you are a good climber, you dont need to hold your rope for balance bro!

Something I will do, @ 1:14, there is a cut under your arm where you took a branch off... I will leave a stub there 1-2' and use it as a lever to tip the top off...

The last shot was the best...Using that butt catch was smooth.
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  • #5
Thanks guys.


-viewer retention

15 minute vids %33-%38
10 minute vids %48-%53

Maybe the vignette-ing and exposure thing will help with retention?

Good way to look at the one handling thing, It's not my safest work shown here, I was sort of 'in a mood'...

I know holding onto your rope is rookie, but it helps me have control using my hand/arm as an adjustable hitch at times. Probably more of a bad habit I need to get over though.

Great idea at 1:14 Bonner! I'll have to give that a try:)

That last shot was cool, I'm glad everything held together... Thanks for keeping it real Bonner.
I am finding that non narrated video has the lowest retention. Things that are instructional or demo related seem to have higher retention. Voice over and the on screen text also seem to help. Cutting to multiple angles is better as well. It stands to reason that anything that breaks it up helps, peoples attention spans are so short anymore..The truest fact is that the shortest videos get the highest retention, anything over a minute and it dive bombs.

Its difficult, you work so hard all day, trying to do good work and then add in trying to capture it all on video. Then after editing it you watch it, like it finally publish it, and promote it only to realize people dont even watch ALL of it. Now you have to worry about editing it into 'high retention' quality, it never ends!

Keep fighting the good fight!
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  • #8
Yep Butch, shorter the better for audience retention. Don't be so hard on yourself Bonner, maybe sometimes they watch it in spurts - so it only seems like they don't watch it ALL.. The way I look at it is, I make the vids for myself, maybe a few tree people, and sometimes the client too. Most of the views I have are probably from me! Bonner, I make sure to watch ALL of all of your vids, over and over, just to UP your stats. 8)

Are those one-handling skills normal? :?
Great videos, awesome shot of the top parachuting down at 1:25. Sweet (as an old boss of mine called it) "crane trick" at the end. I may have been a little nervous with tying two ropes together to get it done.
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  • #11
Thanks Jeff, glad you like the vids, I like that shot too, real tight window. The "crane trick" thing always gets my nerves going a little bit too.

Its one thing to cut and chuck holding the branch, but you are a good climber, you dont need to hold your rope for balance bro!
Hey Bonner... are you seeing things?... where was my hand holding my climb line for balance? It looked like most of the time I had it on the tree.
I will leave a stub there 1-2' and use it as a lever to tip the top off....

There's a good tip!

Bix, watched the whole thing, good stuff as usual. You must spend as much time editing these vids as you do actually doing the work!
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  • #13
Thank you Rumination i appreciate it.

As usual, big thanks Adam, thanks for watching, can't believe you watched the whole thing - that's great. I try to factor time editing into the job cost ;) I wish. Sometimes it's even more time editing, than the actual work... Someone told me they usually figure one hour editing, per minute of video.