Real Life Popeye (or Hell Boy)

I wonder if the rest of his skinny body hurts his arm wrestling performance since that is what the beefy arm is tied to. Like, remember Steve Austin, the 6 million dollar man?? I always wondered why those super strong limbs wouldn't end up tearing his torso apart. Aside from the fact the script says so.
Or how can Superman lift an aircraft carrier? I mean even if you had the strength, the surface area of your hands would just puncture the steel.
It seems a kind of unfair advantage, really, but I bet nobody would want to break that guy's heart by saying he can't compete.
I think that arm is very cool, I'd love to have that problem.

I tried to post the above photo by wrapping it in img tags, didn't work, not sure why.

Posting this on the topic of strong or extreme development of body parts due to extreme levels of use. I found this photo of Ed Vanhalen's left hand interesting cuz I think it shows how powerful his left hand is from 40 years of working it hard as one of the world's virtuoso rock guitarists. No, it's not way over the top like the kid's arm is but don't you think it looks very much unlike the hand of most 57 yr old non-treemen ;) That hand has been asked to do exraordinary things on a guitar neck.

Plus, I read online that he recently had surgery on it to address arthritis, bone spur, and tendon issues. He's good to go but it just goes to show you about the human body and use and aging
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I don't know Butch. I think that it is real.

Watching the video in my second post, it shows him as a kid with his right arm AND hand twice as big as his left. Even now when the doctors look at his growth, the bones are twice as thick as the left. You can't isolate that type of growth with any injectables that I know of.
I agree, Chris.

That arm is ridiculous, I'm still thinking about it.