Public Review of Standards on Planting and Protecting Trees

And the last part. After 10 or 15 clicks and not being able to tell what they wanted from the public, I gave up. I went and read the timber framing thread for a while!
I like planting trees. That PDF. file made me want to gouge my eyes out. Do you have to be a lawyer to plant a tree? Talk about taking the joy out of something.
Agreed. And that's my review. The standards are unreviewable because the ANSI committee isn't providing us with a reasonable means to actually review them.
I have to spend more time reviewing them, but at first glance it looks like a whole lot more images or sketches or graphics would improve the standards in a huge way. Nick and Darin have a point, if we want people to actually use the standards we should make them accessible and easy to interpret for the practitioner and the clients.

If you are involved with this work, see the current drafts here: Read, review, ruminate and comment if you want to your organization's representative. Only in America do we have this kind of chance to guide our industry! :D

We've been reviewing British Standards for tree planting and tree care for decades. Google BS5837 or BS3998 for example.
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We've been reviewing British Standards for tree planting and tree care for decades. Google BS5837 or BS3998 for example.

Glad to hear it! I did not know how open that process is; jolly good.

Nick, it's the column on the right, titled (oddly enough) "Public Review". On the planting one for instance, you could scroll thru the first part and stop at maybe on page 12. If you were an experienced palm planter who always dug 12" from the trunk after seeing palms with smaller rootballs die time after time, you could suggest a change from 6" minimum to 12". Or conversely if you moved them successfully at 5" or 1", that might be worth commenting on. that's a CA example for ya. As for how to comment--you're right, the comment form is not to be found on that page! Should be under FAQs, if not on its own...I'll attach it, and bring that to their attention--thanks for noticing!

Darin, I agree it is not joyful, and it is legalistic language. Since it can apply to contracts, i think it kinda hasta be. The devil is in the details, but also imo is the angel of good guidance, though it does take careful reading.

Burnham, the printed version does have images. I don't know why they are not in the draft. That would be a good comment to make--more images! There is also a move afoot to put a decision-making kind of flow chart in the front of each standard.

Comments for ANSI A300 Part
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