Scored... bad. #1 & #2 rod journal had 1/16" ridge where #1 rod bearing spun...
What was figured to have happened was that the camshaft and lifters were failing during initial break-in due to lack of lubrication. Which in turn put a lot of trash in the oil which clogged up the oil pump. Oil pump no pumpy... bad ju-ju.
I used a different type of cam and lifter lube for this rebuild. One I have never used before. It was not some cheapy alternative stuff either. However when I contacted said manufacturer of lubricant... they have so many stipulations on what is done during the break-in prodedure, they basically cover their own ass for any type of failure.
Anyways... I'm not sure if any of you guys are aware of this but over the last 10 years, oil manufacturers have reduced the amount of zinc in motor oils. Mainly because the big 3 were bitchin' about the zinc causing problems with the newer more stringent emissions laws. They founded studies that said that the zinc was messing with O2 sensors, and catalytic converters. So they oil companies have slowly been taking zinc out of the oils... even diesel oils.
There is still zinc in the oils... just at an extremely low ratio. What does this mean in laymans terms? for newer engines it means nothing... because the newer engines are made with this in mind. What it means for older engines like mine... is that the zinc dithiophosphate (ZDDP) that used to be in oils to lubricate the flat tappet camshaft and lifters is not enough to maintain proper lubrication. So you have to take extra special precautions during engine rebuilds, and add additives to the oil at every oil change. General Motors, Ford, MOPAR, and some of the big name camshaft manufacturers all make the oil additives to run in older vehilcles.
A simple (but expensive) way to go about it... is to not use a flat tappet cam and lifter setup... going to a full roller cam and lifter setup would mean you don't have to worrry about the friction between the cam and tappet causing excessive wear since there is a roller there in stead of a flat tappet. However you are gonna be over $400 bucks into a roller setup. Hindsight being 20/20 I prolly should just save the money and do a full roller deal... but it's not an option right now.
So if any of you are driving older vehicles (Like pre-1990 or so) without roller cams and lifters... you ought to start looking into the ZDDP oil additives...
Sorry for the long winded post... but I figured i might as well explain it the best I could.