passing thru?


Sep 17, 2008
Humboldt County CA
anyone passing thru next week?

i broke something in my foot, and cant climb right now, it hurts to just drive the trucks and crutch around and do bids
supposed to have it up, but cant stop , the bills don't so how can i.

my b.i.l. is doing the fruit trees and redwoods for me, but next week is a huge 3 day walnut in arcata, and 2 monster american elms in redway which are 2 days work in themselves
5 days of climbing with a day off on thur working sat.

i dont know anyone i trust to climb for me, and was wondering if anyone was on the road near me.

thanks tree fam

oh yeah i broke it jumping bare foot off the porch onto the patio as i ran to get 1 of my kids out of the v ditch in the rear yard, my 3 yr old
i got to the door , seen her in the barb wire fence, hanging over the ditch screaming
i bolted to her, and 2 hours later my foot hurt, i rubbed it thinking it was stiff, and then it crunched, i foolishly ignored it, and woke up with stinging pain, it hurt to even have the bed sheet on it
took myself to the er which was an adventure of its own,
hard enough to use the vacuum to cross the house, the fire place shovel to get to the truck
which had a flat, so i took a pulaski from it and used it as a cane to get to my dump truck, unhooked the chipper, and drove in to the er
i used my improvised cane, and once i got into one of the bays, the staff became nervous and took my pulaski till i left
the gal asked me if i was an axe murderer to which i replied , nope, i'm a stabber
apparently broke or tore ligaments in the ball of the foot, and it hurts from between the toes into the arch, they said theres nothing they could do, take a week off with it up, and if it still hurts in a week to go see my regular dr

what a time for it to happen

anyone know how long it takes to heal, and if no ones rolling thru the area i may have to tape it and suck it up and climb all week
it's do able, but not what i really want to do
Get in touch with Whiz (Kristian) on Treebuzz. He's doing the gypo thing right now.
I broke my foot in 09, not sure what I broke but my impact was a good bit better (~14' drop). It happened April 14th, I still felt it at the Redwood Climb in June. Luckily we were near done with the job, so Daniel finished the chipping. I still ran the mini/bucked the logs/etc. We did another quick job that afternoon and that was that. It was several months before I could lift my weight using my calf on that leg. I used a cane for a few days on bids that were on hills, but otherwise I got around with a crutch. I'm not sure if I took any time off due to the foot.


Mother of god that had to hurt!

I forgot to tell you I'm hoping you heal up fast.
It hurts like hell for about two weeks, then with a walking cast you can GENTLY walk on it for a week, then you can start going good again. Plan on a cast for six weeks.
Sorry man, that just sucks all the way around!
Anybody have Nice Guy Dave's phone number? I haven't seen him around much lately but maybe he might have some time or know somebody in the area who can come work for a week.
Shoot dave, sorry to hear! I'm tied up at the moment but will look things over and se e if I can break away.
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if ya have time ..great, the trees are glory trees, you know the ones you want to do instead of need to do
if ya cant i understand fully
i was hoping a climber was around maybe bored
who could actually rope climb and prune
not in this county
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just re-read your post, there's a chance I could work monday through friday, but need to be back on oahu on saturday for a job... be a lot of travel but I think I may be able to get the time off, would need to talk to my boss too

I'm already committed to the smallest, lowest paying job on the planet next week.

Comfrey root for that foot may help, Dave.

Get well soon.
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  • #19
that is the kindest offer, thats a lot to go thru flying to sfo, and up to eureka
i'd feel like a lame having to have you go thru that much for me
unless your trying to go on a lil vacation
i sure would a liked that when i'd been shocked

i sure woulda liked it if you'd gone to hsu as well,
i'd have to turn you loose and run with it for season,
i imagine if someone took care of the city work i could dig up more work in the back road areas
i'm surprised theres work for me right now, but not complaining i must be doing something right
i know rb tree's cowboy dave is passing thru on ocasion to san fran
and figured id check in with my fam here and see if it was one of those remote possibilities that someone was gypsy or slow now

you guys are the best
off for an ice pack

this after noon i had to put on my boots and go help pole prune the last of some 100 yr plus apples
the linemens boots laced up super tight helped, but it felt like stepping on a rose bush branch
with a touch of fire added to the arch
Sorry to hear that Dave. Want me to PM you the # for Jomoco? He can take care of ya but it is a little expensive. Not sure how busy he is.
Too much nonsense to break away from here Dave, hope someone else can help out
Good luck with it, Dave. Presumably it isn't something that a bucket truck could handle, I see some people advertising that service in your area.
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  • #24
Good luck with it, Dave. Presumably it isn't something that a bucket truck could handle, I see some people advertising that service in your area.

theres bucket guys avaiable, but
1) it wont reach 1/2 of the trees,
2) the local guys are hacks and have no clue how to prune
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ok that was harsh on the bucket guys
custom tree is decent, but limited in range to drive, and hours to work
he's older and can only do about 6 hrs a day
i wouldnt consider anyone else
id climb and use long pole pruners before id hire the other guys