Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

  • Thread starter Rborist1
  • Start date
  • Replies 2K
  • Views 113K
Thanks guys. I'll be driving my pickup, he doesn't really have much work where the bucket truck could be helpful and it would cost me twice as much to drive it up there and back. I'm just packing my climbing gear and a few saws. Erik told me he needs somebody to show him how to tie a tautline hitch anyway. ;)
Between the two of us, do you think we can get a chainsaw started and get a tree on the ground without killing somebody/something? :|:
OK, I'm done packing and ready to leave for mASSachussetts. I should reach Erik's place about dinnertime tomorrow. See you guys next week. :)
got a few days off - YAHOO - will attempt to stay away from a puter - heading to NC for some tree climbing thingy. see a few of you there
Good to see you back Brian. Hope it was a smooth trip home, with no unexpected expenses.
Smooth sailing, I didn't even get a speeding ticket (surprisingly). 8)

3000 miles in the last week so I am about due for rear tires now. :/:
Glad to see ya made it back to warm-land with no trouble, B.

By the way, Conan the Destroyer passes along a howdy!


so... ya having eggplant parmesan for supper, er whut? ;)
i SAW wagman - thanks for the hug
me went to charlotte
I am headed to Key West for the weekend. Just a little R&R for my birthday! If I remember, I will take the laptop.