new rope choice for HH2


Sep 23, 2010

About to pull the pin on a HH2 and a rope. Not sure which rope to get. I'll be getting one from wesspur to take advantage of the 20% discount. Looking at the Tachyon or Imori. Or any other suggestions. Anyone have any experience using these ropes with the HH2?

As for the HH2. Any idea how long the dog bone lasts? Should I just order one from the get go? Obviously I never used a HH2. Currently use a rope wrench and want to try something different.
I wouldnt go with Imori; too lumpy and more friction.

I have the HH2 with Tachyon but havent used it yet...I bet it will be nice though ;)
I like Vortex with ArbPro 9mm hitch cord. I personally like Tachyon better than Imori for the same reason that Scott said. I can't stress enough how important it is to get the rope/hitch combo right. Don't assume that what you used on a previous setup will also work on the HH2. If you get it right the first time cool, but don't be satisfied with anything but great performance.
The HH2's dog bone is made from super tuff steel. It will take long time to wear it out.
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I got my discounts mixed up. I'll order the HH2 from wesspur then the rope and a few other goodies from treestuff.
I run one HH on vortex with the stock beeline, works real nice for me. I have another HH on some cherry bomb with 8mm armorprus. Runs smooth and tends well, but I haven't made up my mind on the bounce, if it's the tree or the cherry bomb. I seem to have to tighten up the 8mm AP every once in a while, doesn't seem to affect performance, i just like the crossover to be close to the HH body.

I've had the cherrybomb for over a year now, didn't do much serious work climbs on it. Mostly smaller trees or as a bailout line when on spurs. Always seemed ok to me. Had a 50ft climb yesterday, basal anchor HH with AP. I was pleasantly surprised at the little stretch it had. Felt solid, no noticeable bounce on ascent, and then going for a small limb walk. didn't have any noticeable stretch. I'm in the market for a 200ft climb line, but with out low dollar, and the cherry bomb is locally available, I'm seriously considering it. My first choices would be a yale 11.7mm offering or samson vortex.