Administrator Emeritus
Thank you, sir!
Che and Butch, it is meant to water the plant without getting it wet around the base of the plant which will keep the weeds from growing around the base of the plant and also if there are any tomatoes touching the ground there they will be on dry ground and won't rot. We have to water like a son of a gun here compared to you guys because our weather is hot and our humidity is low in the summer, usually 20 to 50 percent.
What kinda orchard is that....Walnuts?
I've always wanted to try growing them upside down.
Stehansen we done got 5 tomatoes. yall got any yet?
Plants love that. People, not so much.
... I'd take some pictures but I have weeds and I want to represent but alas am too lazy. So I'll just tell you about it.