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Those suits look pretty kick ass Deva.

I'm a secondhand junky for motorcycle gear though. Classifieds are ripe with unused gear. Seems lots of people gear right up and find out in short that it isn't the sport/transportation for them. I ride daily unless it's raining bad. Can't recall the last day I didn't log km's. Such a fantastic way of travelling anywhere.
That is why I have sidebags on mine.
I use it for shopping and such.
I run soft saddlebags and a tailbag. They are all expandable with zip outs and can hold a fair bit. I'll throw on a backpack too if I need to. But that's a last resort.

Yah. Funny I ended up with the matching backpack to my saddlebags/tailbag. Which is designed for motorcycling. Still sucks. Lol.
Why does it suck with a back pack? Balance, air resistance?
Makes it hard to sit comfortable.
It is ok for a short trip, but I'd hate to ride through Germany with one.
Why does it suck with a back pack? Balance, air resistance?

Those things, plus stigs, plus it obviously sucks carrying the weight on you instead of on the bike. Putting a pack on and off with full armoured gear sucks too.

One of the key elements in riding is keeping light on the bars. Easily done on most bikes, tougher to do on a sportbike, monkey humping a football setup. Throwing the weight of a pack onto your back really doesn't help that aspect.
A backpack is good for woods riding... the saddlebags Jack the bike up... at least off road
On street... a backpack is silly for long rides like the Stig said.
I don't mind a small pack for dirt riding. Some water, grub, phone, etc. But a pack that you could put groceries in? No thanks.

Cory. I have a two piece full zip cortech leathers with full armour(bought 2nd hand like new)that are my go to unless it's smoking hot. Then I ride in two piece textile with armour. Gauntlet quality leather gloves always and road/sportbike boots too. But my main plan is to not come off. Lol. If I was track riding I would only be in full leathers only. Yesterday I went to look at a single piece leather suit for $60clams cdn. Slid it on, right up to trying to get my second shoulder in and started feeling like houdini in a straight jacket. The seller and I both agreed that if we managed to skip my other arm in we'd be cutting the suit off. lol. Don't get to win all the classified finds I guess.

Took Westside Rd home again. A road is always nicer once you're a little familiar with it. No wildlife, barely any traffic, and no popo. What more could you ask for. I love riding with my wife and it's super cool that we do this together. But I do enjoy riding solo too, like I was yesterday. My own pace, no stopping and waiting, no distractions.


We are doing a overnighter down into Washington tomorrow. Coulee dam. I'm super duper stoked, to put it mildly. We are going with another couple we occasionally ride with so the other fella and I usually ride off ahead some through the twisties. We all have cardos comms too so it'll be my first time using them with more than just my wife linked. That'll be interesting.

Today is oil changes and chain adjusting, etc, etc. I'm a maintenance fanatic when it comes to something capable of 250+kph on two wheels(ya kph sound way cooler than mph, you went how fast!).

Not that I ever go that fast on public roads. Gotta keep the record straight. Lol.
My Jag also is capable of 250 I can inform the less metric translation skilled here that that is a smidge over 155 mph. In other words, mighty effin' fast :D.
Despite a stern questioning at the border........they let me in!

It was a fantastic trip! I don't gamble, but to appease Jim I had dinner at the res casino on their deck.

I still say everyone has it backwards. You Americans are the friendlier lot than us Canucks.


Despite a stern questioning at the border........they let me in!

Have you seen those vids where the cops try to give people chit at the border and the people know their rights and basically tell the cops to stfu, unless you are detaining me for something, am I free to go?? I am not pulling over unless you are detaining me. Am I free to go. Cops don't have a leg to stand on, according to the vids Ive seen.

Shoulda told Mr Occifer to gtfotw.
My favourite border crossing story is from back in the early 80es.
My x-wife and i were going from Schweiz to Deutchland in an old Citroen HY that a friend had turned into a campervan... the ultimate hippiewagon.
So of course we were stopped for a search.
One of the German borderguards made to open the side door, so I told him that we had a dog in there.
In German of course, Achtung und so weiter!
So he asked what kind of dog.
German Shepherd, I replied.
He saluted and wished us a happy journey.

We have some of the kids and grandkids from Schweiz visiting.
This little girl can't wait to be old enough to ride with me on the BMW:)

Have you seen those vids where the cops try to give people chit at the border and the people know their rights and basically tell the cops to stfu, unless you are detaining me for something, am I free to go?? I am not pulling over unless you are detaining me. Am I free to go. Cops don't have a leg to stand on, according to the vids Ive seen.

Shoulda told Mr Occifer to gtfotw.

I don't think that would work out so well at the border crossing for me into the USA. To go in you as a Canadian talk to US border guards. To get back into Canada is when you talk to Canadian border guards.

Perhaps you are thinking of those random stops/checkpoints you guys have sometimes within the United States near the border? I've seen some vids like that. But actually crossing a international border and telling the officials to pound sand. You'll have to link me up one of those vids, never heard of that?

As far as I'm aware I would be denied entry to the USA without having a passport that I produce upon request.