Monterey Cypress failure data


Sep 17, 2008
Humboldt County CA
Was curious,
is there a place that has statistics of the more common methods of failure related to each species. (someone was working on a data base years ago)
The hazzard tree eval guide says monterey cypress rarely fail as a whole tree, and i usually see limb and upper trunk failures.
But i need some data to prove to a landowning corporation that their tennants are at risk.
The thing that sucks is i'm the 3rd arborist to see these trees, Heck an asca arborist/ forrester already saw the trees, i think the corp is shopping for oppinions, only this time a copy of my report has to go to the state housing authority to answer a complaint.
I worked up each tree using the standard hazzard eval form, performed a partial root crown excavation, drilled a few damaged looking roots, drilled some seams in the trunk, and have sounded the trunk using a rubber mallet.
I just want to bolster my info with some statistics showing their failure rate as a species.
Any serious comments would help, thanks tree housers
The national tree failure database may have usable data. Paul Reese and Norm Hol are a couple of the higher ups from the western side of the country within that organization. as far as I know.
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yeah i got the ca tree failure info and its mainly on monterey pine but did have some info on mont cyp

thanks paul and mr sir
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the people at the failure group e mailed me some great stats, most excellent group
they deserve some thanks
They have a meeting up here every third year. I have been twice, pretty cool stuff and yeah, good speakers, I think the last one I went to Dr Brian Kane spoke, the one before that I think it was Paul Reis. I got to see the ground penetrating radar unit in action last time too, really cool bit of equipment.
Deva the filoli estate is real nice. I have done a bunch of brush clearing for them over the years.