Merle Nelson
Closing one hole - often there is at least one more way in and out.
Removing bees - a hollow cone over the main entrance that comes out 6 or 8 inches. They know the location of their hole so precisely that they can't find way back in. At that point they will go into new hive with new queen provided be beekeeper. After a few days remove cone from old hive opening and they will go in and rob out all the honey and transfer to new home.
Removing bees - a hollow cone over the main entrance that comes out 6 or 8 inches. They know the location of their hole so precisely that they can't find way back in. At that point they will go into new hive with new queen provided be beekeeper. After a few days remove cone from old hive opening and they will go in and rob out all the honey and transfer to new home.