Kids .22

Yes, I miss those days of being able to plink a whole brick away in one afternoon. Around here, last I checked, it was 8-12 cents per round. Not cheap enough for me to go plinking with the 10/22
From the pic it looks like a 22 winchester that an old man gave me when I was a kid, that he got when he was a that old gun.
I started out shooting an air pistol at probably age 7 and then years later graduated to a Belgian made Remington Rolling block rifle in .22, hexagonal barrel and all.
I sure wish I had that one today.
I might note that this was good for his smaller frame and short trigger pull as well.
For Seth, I had to go to an adult size gun since he has such long arms.
Mind you, I would love to have one of those little ones like I bought Levi. I would have an over the back holster made for it like those ol snake guns had. An adult can one hand this gun basically. So a different stock could probably be made for doing so. I truly want one for myself. Just for fun. If he ever decides it is too small and too much for a kid, I'll replace it with something he would like more and keep it for myself :D
I am saving the Henry that I got for my kids, for grandkids:)


Looks like a great gun Stephen. Their guarantee is the best in the biz too. If I get a grand young'un before I die, that'll probably be my choice.

Would be hard to go wrong with it. I mean gun safety with BB gun first and all. But it's a great little gun. Easy to sight in as well.
Rossi Gallery .22 pump was what I got Alex when he was about 8, I think. I will have to see if they are still around.
We still have Alex,s. He has been teaching Hayden to shoot some. Nice guns...can't post picture...working on a tablet driving thru mtns of. W VA
I've been hit by more than one BB bouncing straight back at me off of rocks, etc.

I still hear...."You'll shoot yer eye out, kid!" :lol:
i loved my BB gun, it was very accurate. The one that was taken away for popping Christmas lights. Destructive yes, I left a lot of shattered glass.
Used to go out to a friend's pig farm in desert Saugus, California to BB gun hunt things. It was hard to resist targeting a pig in the middle of romantic bliss. Long range, it didn't hurt too much, but I do want to apologise.