I've mentioned a few times how crap I am at the throwline...been getting better since I got a bigshot.
Well yesterday was a day of firsts, First tree I got the shot on the FIRST try! With a group of schoolkids watching...(only problem was setting the FS from the ground...it had a bit of a twist and the throwline wrapped round the ring, so I actually had to climb up to it anyway
Second tree I got my second best TIP on the FIRST shot! Climbed up and just moved the FS up a few feet.
I had to set rigging in both trees to swing branches away from the ornamentals below, the working area was a considerable distance from my TIP and the anchor pulley, and I so did not feel like having to go back up to retrieve the pulley, so I cobbled together a retrieveable setup while I was up there, and by gum! It worked on the FIRST pull to get it down...
AND the crap government we've had for the last 14 yrs in Bermuda just got kicked to the curb in the general election!
Good day yesterday
Well yesterday was a day of firsts, First tree I got the shot on the FIRST try! With a group of schoolkids watching...(only problem was setting the FS from the ground...it had a bit of a twist and the throwline wrapped round the ring, so I actually had to climb up to it anyway

Second tree I got my second best TIP on the FIRST shot! Climbed up and just moved the FS up a few feet.
I had to set rigging in both trees to swing branches away from the ornamentals below, the working area was a considerable distance from my TIP and the anchor pulley, and I so did not feel like having to go back up to retrieve the pulley, so I cobbled together a retrieveable setup while I was up there, and by gum! It worked on the FIRST pull to get it down...
AND the crap government we've had for the last 14 yrs in Bermuda just got kicked to the curb in the general election!
Good day yesterday