ice warriors

Looks like we have a snow storm headed our way, 3" to 6" predicted, we still have around 700 people in Leavenworth without power.
See Ya
Had some guys come in from Hutchison to work on a saw, about 45 miles North West of Wichita. They said it looke like a tornadoe went through Hutch. because the ice was so bad!!
Then six inches of snow, yeah, wont that be fun:evil:
I doubt there are any generators still available at the retail level within 50 miles of KC.

I bought a 5500w after the first hurricane to hit Orlando back in 2004. It was the day after the storm and I got lucky and found out from a buddy that an Ace Hardware 20 miles away was getting in a shipment of 200 the following morning. I raced down there and paid for it in full, in advance, sight unseen. I was #193.
Nah Brian, they truck stuff in daily from other stores as needed, if the stores have power, I'd bet you can buy about any genset you want right now!!
3" to 5" of snow expected starting tonight , plus 1" to 2 " more tomorrow. Andy they are calling for around 7" out your way, Dave looks like the same for you. Might have to go rabbit hunting Saturday.
See Ya
Well Mike, the rules change all the time!!!
Now it's four to twelve here!! They alway have that dividing line down the tunpike, pluse or minus fifty miles. And it kep shifting tonight!!! I think Dave will dodge the bullet on this one, he should have less than three, but................
We have freezing rain and sleet right now, under a witer storm warning, and a heavy snow warning already.
The genste is still plugged in, and I still have ten gallons of fuel sitting, plus the eleven in it, and LOTS of batteries for the flashlights. I even brought in some wood so it would be dry and I wouldn't have to work so hard starting a fire this time, DUH!!!!!:D
Let the games begin, I'll take snow over ice anyday!!!!

Edit: It was snowing like a MOFO when I went back to work, pretty near a white-out, now, on the way home, nothing!!
Yeah I know Andy we live in the one place where the weather can change in 5 minutes. I don't know how many times I've seen a storm headed my way and then it will split and go around me, this has become known as the Tonganoxie split. I have about 2" on the ground now, it's still coming down but very light. Glad your ready and have some dry wood inside,:D
See Ya
So farthis has turned out to be another joke!! We might have an inch to an inch and a half on the ground, might have another inch coming.
Nothing at all like they were thinking.

We have the Wichita split Mike, seems the giant storms hit Wichita, the nastiest part follows the turnpike North East, and the weaker cell comes over Wichita and surounding towns. I's wild to watch in the spring!
In the winter I prefer it if the temps stay below freezing as work sites become muddy messes as it gets warmer.
The snow has picked up looks like around 3" on the ground. Yes sfr Andy nothing like what they were predicting.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
See Ya
Took a road trip today. The wifes Grandma is in the hospital with low blood sugar and pnemonia, old and frail, it's the right thing to do.
Not quite 100 miles East of here, to Fredonia KS. It was interesting to see how differently areas got hit!! About 45 miles east, there was still 3/4" of ice on the trees and 2 inches of snow. Another 10 miles, right around where Dave lives, maybe an inch of snow. Got to Fredonia, four to five inches of snow still on the ground.
The highways were very good, in town, it was miserable driving!!
Just found the whole drive interesting and wanted to share.
Between tornadoes, ice/snow storms and the wind that never stops blowing, yup, properly set up, you'd be swamped!!
Thanks Butch, she's an old trooper, she is going to come out of this fine. We just hadn't seen her in a while, and the "what if" of not seeing her kicked in.
you guys need to seperate your home off the main circuit before you charge up your house with a generator. the power will back feed into the power grid. transformers work both ways so your generator will put high voltage out on the far side of the transformer and possibly kill someone working on the lines.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
This guy I work with is from Kansas and says there is a fortune to be made in TreeWork.
Tell Steve to keep that quiet. He's lying. Everybody knows we have no trees here Kansas:lol:

The "Little Apple" Manhattan, Ks. got hit pretty hard. Power was out at my friends house for about 4 days. There is some big stuff down. But over all not REAL bad. Got 4-8" of snow right after the ice storm.
It really was a pretty good time working in it. You just have to dress for it.

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