Here is my latest full length video which covers six different ropes that I enjoy using for SRS/SRT. The video is entitled "Review of Ropes for SRS/SRT for Arborists & Tree Climbers!"
In addition to going over each ropes specifications in great depth, and sharing my own personal insights into each rope, I added a new segment at the very end where I show time lapse footage of me doing all of the prep work/setting up for the shoot. My hope is that people might find it interesting to see what goes into some of my shoots and that viewers may better appreciate all of the effort and preparation that is often required. I also wrote a script for this video, which is somewhat unusual for me, due to how much information I had to relay to the viewer. It would have been impractical for me to memorize everything, which would have taken several days at best.
Anyways, here's the video! If anyone actually watches it, I'd love to hear what you think! Thanks!