Any one of you have one you would loan for a month/ month and a half? wanting to take the test in March, I had one but It must have not made the move with me from VT.

Good luck to you, it's not a real difficult test. When I took it they had a half day 'review' class available at the test site the day before the test at an additional cost. My employer paid for it so I went and they covered virtually the entire test in that four hour class. Including the review class, I think I had a total of about 6 hours study time invested.
I heard the tree ID part with Latin names was one of the things they changed. Somebody (can't remember who, so take this with a large grain of salt) told me they were no longer sending out the list of 100 species and testing people on 10 of them. I heard the new tree id portion of the exam does not even require you to identify a specific tree, but instead just tests you on terminology associated with tree id like pinate vs bipinate and excurrent vs decurrent. It would be worth asking somebody at your local ISA chapter about before you spend a bunch of time and money studying this.
, the part for me that will be taxing is the Identification with all the latin names.