Between the Marlboro man, Easy Rider and the left handed cigarette, pardon if I cross-threaded something here, but in regards to regular rattling by rookie ropers, how much do you guys self-lower?
Between the Marlboro man, Easy Rider and the left handed cigarette, pardon if I cross-threaded something here, but in regards to regular rattling by rookie ropers, how much do you guys self-lower?
Sean, I have been self lowering a ton more lately. A friend gave me a mini porty, and I really like how it frees up the Groundman, and increases production. I think of you every time buddy. Thanks.
Now I haven't dicked around with self lowering tops much yet, but I like the idea of having total control.
Hi Butch! My name is Doug.Welcome to the TreeHouse! Gotta first name? Mine is Butch.
I've never used a mini porty at all, or a porty up top. I can't say from experience how they work, but...
when you can hang a Belay Spool at the top of a non-isolated line (like most SRT Basal-ties), and can pull up a floating anchor point, and work both sides, without that problem of the round tube not allowing the rope to move very easily, you can rig some wood to the ground fast. I tell ya, sell that mini and buy a BS. When you get it dialed, show your friend, and return a favor.
I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that you will get much more out of the BS than a Mini POW. The only thing is that there are not cleats for tying off. Basically this mean that you tie the tail to the tree if you need it locked. No big deal.
I'll try to get some video, guaranteed to be poorly edited, if that, until I learn something.
Stubs go a long way.
Stubs go a long way.
When I was between employees, and needed to do a job solo, I terminated a speedline on the truck, and NC the speedline above me, tensioned it, and tied off to stubs. Worked in a pinch.