Home made things for tree work

Well damn I either missed it or .... forgot. Anyway, sweet saddle!
i used it for quite a while. its still in good working order. there were a few things i would do different if i made another, all to do with how i fastened the stiffening elements to the leather and how the padding went on to that. i made a poor choice and used uhm plastic for the backing. FYI absolutely nothing sticks to that kind of plastic!
I made a larger saw lanyard ring out of an old SS car antenna to replace the factory one for easy on and off the carry tool.
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Nice! Clean work, you got skills brother. Is that saw strap long enough for a cross body one arm stretch?
I saw some supplier selling rake heads that mount on Jameson poles. Cool idea, and probably pretty useful arborist times.
I just order the male and female connectors. I usually have a smashed pole lying about that can be cut into 1 or 2 or 4' lengths. Rakes with broken handles work well....
I have roofs that are crap up here. Guess most of us do. One in particular I prune regular over is tin on 2X3s spaced 36". Aint no way.
I made one out of a extending pool cleaning pole I picked up somewhere. Just stuck a rake in the end and drilled a hole through to keep it in, small bolt with a wing nut and the rake comes out. Adjusts to what height I need.

Too late to get a pic.

Why not extend the tube on a backpack blower?

Having had a roofing business for 17 years, I almost never use a blower on a roof, due to potential damage/future issues. When I do, I make CERTAIN to blow directly down slope. Lots can go wrong with a blower on a roof. Any loose tabs flap up, allowing trash/debris to get under it....too many variables to be worth it to me.
If I have to tell someone not to blow upwards on the shingles, I always ask if they had stupid biscuits with breakfast.
If I have to tell someone not to blow upwards on the shingles, I always ask if they had stupid biscuits with breakfast.

My response lately to the guys has been "I bet you were a square peg in a round hole kinda kid". Now it's just "hey peg boy" or "FFS peg boy".