The occasional, under the table help, sure you could pay extra for a good hand. Normal, day to day help, comp, bonuses and garnishments (grrr), adds up
This thread makes me curious, any long standing crews working with you? On crane jobs, ours has been the same people since I hooked on about eight years ago, with one guy joining after me. Around $175 per day on up. Everyone is at least over forty, except when one of our guys brings his son. I very much like working with every one of them, lots of comaraderie and support. 2 to 5 people depending on the job, and not every day. No hassles at all except they eat up all my snacks....lots of mutual respect.
What is "Southern Style"?![]()
I agree completely, Carl. In the overall scheme of things, an extra $40-$50 per day shouldn't make or break the job unless you're really screwing up on your bids. If I find somebody with brains and a willingness to do this type of work then I'd rather over pay him as an incentive for him to happily show up the next time I call.
Yeah, hundred bucks a day won't buy much of anything.
Scott is my favorite asset labor wise so far. He writes his own check at the end of the day, usually 25-35% of the day's take. When I upgrade to a larger loader, I'm thinking his pay as a percentage will go down on average, but he'll make more per day.