You guys keep up the preachin'!!

Cause I'm a listenin'!
I hear what you're saying Dark...
I ran tree service in Carrolton Ga and i constantly undercharged.
I was only 20 years old and very green.
After a couple years all my equipment was worthless and i was broke.
Im trying really hard not to let that happen again, it sneaks up on you.
I've been really self conscious about falling into this kind of hole. Both of my parents ran their own businesses, and never charged enough. Then I've found myself doing it sometimes. It's hard when you're starting out, and not really good at figuring the costs into your work yet. Especially, when work is not always consistent, and you have to account for down time when you're figuring out costs per day, etc...
I mean.... when I first started out, I did up all these fancy spreadsheets, itemizing my costs not anticipating much work, per day, 3 day week, 3 weeks a month, yada yada... Only to have it all go out the window when there's only one job a week. How the heck do you budget for THAT!???!!
I give ya'll props for all the figuring it takes to organize all that properly, AND get the work to back it up.