Bamboo Plantation Owner
I got it on the knee a few years ago from a 440. When i felt the vibration in my leg and the tugging at my jeans, I didnt look right down to see what the commotion was..........I knew.
9 stitches in my left hand, Zubat 330. 3 toothmarks in my right knee, twice, Zubat 330.
Zubat is a Silky handsaw. I was cutting a 4x4 from right to left and left my left hand in the follow through area, it gouged me with three teeth across the area between my thumb and pointy finger.
Sharp lil bastards! Careful with that thang Paul ! Boy they sure do cut limbs though.
I only have fallen once so far, but only till I hit the flip line. Only 4 foot. Made my chiropractor happy. Did not have all my slack tended DOH! Least I was roped off on one of two.
Petzel Macrograb on a 5/8 cable core flip line. The adjuster works just fine and did not even flinch at my 150 lbs hitting it. The stop was a tad harsh when I hit the line... Cable core did not flinch either LOL
You've surely got alot of equipment!
crotches will get separated and thrown away or given away when a load is accumulated. The tw5 will split it all tho. We can boom it on the splitter, use the log lift on the splitter or Dingo or Bobcat them on. It is such nice wood to burn. I would usually throw away most of those biggies if not oak. That is one of the nice thing about keeping my truck crane right in the middle of the lot.