Gardening - Growing Your Own.

Anyone here do raised garden beds? I'm going to plunk a few in where my Old barn was. Atleast thinking to fill them up with the strawberries, get 'em up off the ground.
I think raised beds are a good way to go. Don't mess around with mother earth, dirt in a box is much easier to control and get it the way you want.

Weird gardening year, I had to plant a number of types of seeds twice to get them to come up. I've got my eye on some pigeons hanging around. I think i saw one laughing at me.
I agree with Jay, raised beds make it way easier.

I also had a lot of seeds that didn't come up but didn't bother to replant, the veggie garden has gone mostly to flowers this year. Sadly we're too busy to keep up a good garden at the moment.
My tomato plants are looking raucous. I have a netted bag full of dry chicken manure seeping in a big tub of water. I'm going to dilute it and water with it. I read it's a good idea. I have to hold my nose when I open the lid.
Cool. Well I'm gonna box up the area that was our little veggie garden by the barn I took down. Still got to lay it all out. I was going to try and use some reclaimed wood but figure I don't really want to use old weathered wood for something that will presumably be trying to rot away like mad. I also didn't want to get into lining the inside of the wood with plastic or whatever so I looked to cedar.

I just stopped by one of the last local smaller mills that sells retail out the back door still. I'm picking up a 50 piece lift of 2x8 8' cedar in the morning. Close to half of retail, folding money and out the back door. The way it was meant to be.
That's awesome, nice score. :thumbup:

" folding money and out the back door." YES!
I pay everyone and for everything with cash as much as I possibly can. Just my small thanks to the government for auditing me. Lol.
It's pouring here right now so kind of a crap pic. But I got cucumbers and maters just dying to get into some real dirt!

Cucumbers seem very hearty, whether it's my area or they are all like that. They grow so darn fast. They must be aggressive feeders. They like a lot of water, like everyday.
Haha, I didn't start a single seed this year myself! I just share cause it's so cool and work on the infrastructure
I'm running late on all my projects/infrastructure. But I had to work with the weather and go about things in a logical manner. Also everything is behind this year so I'm sorta almost on time.
I've got everything in the ground .Green beans,yellow squash and cucumbers from seed .Tomatoes,green peppers and banana peppers from starts .Two raised beds about 3 by 24 feet ,it's enough .
Better get on it Jim!

I picked up my cedar yesterday and made a box!


I know, amazing carpenteering skills.

Then I made a couple more and laid them out. Still gotta level them with some rocks if I'm going to to leave them there. I got enough wood to make seven in total. But the plan is to fill these first three and plant them today too.

Our ground is so hard and dry right now that it would be a waste to try to work the soil to get it ready to seed.

Its not too late, I could still get a rain and put the garden in later.

I will trade you some sun and wind for some rain Justin.
Its a very small area. In the basic shape of a triangle.....the long side is about 100 feet, short side is probably 70 feet, base 70 feet.

I cant get enough water on it to keep it moist enough to germinate the seeds with out some help from mother nature.

The water is from the shallow well that feeds the house. Low flow and low pressure. Has gone dry in the past.

I was going to set up some storage and some rain water catchments, but it has not rained.

Complete turnaround from last year.

I could haul water from town, might have to start that soon.