Foul Language

Well, you can refuse the peace pipe, but one other option is being buried in an ant's nest up to your chin.
More or less; depends on where in the country you are. In Massachusetts, possession of marijuana up to a certain amount isn't even a criminal offense. Other "herbs" are legal.
Weed, heck, I was talkin' 'backy. You don't have to inhale, just watch the fine smoke drift up to the great spirit. Peace, yes.
:lol: I'd bet tobaccy isn't the only thing them old injuns burned in the peace pipe.
I think those last few hits are starting to take effect, Butch; you're being rather odd.
I used to keep chickens and ducks. Indian runner ducks. Great eggs, very orange yolks.
I think that "hits" may be a somewhat outdated term. Like "sparking", people don't go sparking with their boyfriends or girlfriends much anymore, not that it is any different to my knowledge.
Sorry, I kind of lost track of which was the derail and which was the proper topic. Call it a mind excursion. My bad!