Female Bodybuilder

GF it's not look at her then the man be hind her an she is a bodybuilder. I don't re-mender the details of how she lose her arms. And if you look at her left leg it's missing some of her muscle.
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It's no photoshop. :drink:

She looks like a cool person to know. My good bud, the painter, has no arms. He's an amazing person too. I like to pour brewskis down his hatch.
Kids are extremely resilient and adaptable, they just learn to do it.It's amazing to watch in action. Now that is all she knows. Impressive I must say!
My armless friend is quite often asked to go speak in prisons, a sort of, "Hey, check me out and look what I've accomplished.....raised a family and am respected as an artist". He gets some real hardcores breaking down, I'm told.

People are always coming to him with their troubles, too, almost like they are following him. I keep telling him to stop being so generous with his time.
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  • #12
Has he ever talked about how he handles urination/ defecation/ buttoning his pants?
So her getting her arms fried off from a transformer was part of gods plan? God has some explaining to do then. Lucky thing the afterlife is for eternity eh? Might take him that long to explain himself.
Has he ever talked about how he handles urination/ defecation/ buttoning his pants?

We've gone to the hot spring together, and I undress and dress him. At home he can do it himself with the aid of a hook attached to the wall. but it takes like a half hour. He seems real comfortable with me, we're tight, and when people start to fuss over him, pay too much attention to what has happened many years ago, want to put him in newspapers or magazines, I take the liberty of telling him that by now, he's just like the rest of us, so making better use of his time is wiser. He agrees, but forgets. I think it is pretty complex, for various reasons, having that degree of loss of your extremities, but he has gotten beyond it in a very courageous and profound way, is a very light hearted individual. When he suffered his injury as a youth, the hospital gave him bad blood, and he also has to struggle with a poor condition liver as a result, has nearly died from it.

I've wondered about how he does his privates, but haven't gotten around to asking him. His wife (second one after the first died), appears to cover the things that he can't do for himself.

One thing though, when we go out together, people are constantly staring at him, and it starts to make me feel uncomfortable.....I guess that I want to be protective of him, so I've stared a few folks down when it happens. He seems to mind it less, it must be old territory for him by this stage.
So her getting her arms fried off from a transformer was part of gods plan? God has some explaining to do then. Lucky thing the afterlife is for eternity eh? Might take him that long to explain himself.

Those were her words, not mine.