


I agree with portion control. Any food is fair game, as long as you don't eat too much of it. But...you have to admit your own weaknesses. I can't have tortilla chips in the house. Period. I will nibble on them all day until they're gone. So I just won't let myself buy them except once in a blue moon.

I remember reading that 'Fat' is a learned taste, you can kinda train yourself not to crave it. I believe. Having been controlling my fat intake since the mid-eighties (high cholesterol) now I really can't enjoy anything high fat from REAL ice cream to potato chips or even a good Rib Eye steak. I guess that's a good thing. sigh
We just had another foot of snow yesterday and it is going to be 14 tonight. Nothing doing in our backyard for a while, except cutting and splitting wood.:what:

Not here man, all melting off plow's off the truck and spring is in the air.:D

Of course everyone was huddled around the fire quite a bit.

And because of my big mouth I woke up today to two inches of fresh snow. Yee haa.

Two inches at my place 1/2inch in town and no one wants no plowing. Uggh I'm done with plowing this year anyhoo.