Eating lunch

I prefer to graze all day but company policy says they take a half hour a day from our pay for lunch, so I still snack on the move and look at forums for a half hour at lunch time.
We always have breakfast, and get a load of work done then have an early lunch (Hot food usually) before cracking back into it. My diet enables me to run off my fat store so I have 30,000 cals in the tank instead of 3000 :)

I'd love to hear more details about this diet of yours. Being able to run off of fat stores sounds really useful, especially if you manage to avoid a big drop in energy along the way. Thanks in advance for any answer you choose to give.

I like one of these with extra cheese and a couple pieces of toast.

It depends on if you're getting paid by the hour or a daily rate. IME, the latter always wants to take an official "lunch break." Anything to stretch the day out 'til knock-off thirty.
Usually I'm good with just some toast and half pound of bacon. But if I know it's gonna be a good day I'll throw in some eggs, if I know it's gonna be a short day I'll just have the bacon. But all day no matter what is warm water and mountain dew.
I don't know, but a half pound of bacon each day seems like it could be cause for a health concern. Of course young people don't usually think about health concerns, but if you ever get the chance to check out hospital wards, there actually are quite a number of quite ill relatively young people. Not saying it's because of bacon, but the time to start taking care of yourself with the food you eat is when young. Looking on the net. bacon is considered a processed meat, and studies have shown that .35 lbs. of processed meat per day is correlated to the likelihood of a premature death. Whether it's the meat itself or what gets put into it, salt, smoke and nitrates and such, they don't know. Just saying...
Yeah well...eggs were bad for us last year and now they are good...sugar, salt, coffee, meat, and so many other things they change up on because they don't know...they are guessing with the present inadequate info they have...I think people stressing over the med industries latest fad/findings causes premature death.
I agree, Dave, you have to wonder sometimes the way they flip back and forth about what is good or not good for you. With some things though, maybe not such debate. My point is less that you have to not eat this or that, than saying that getting sick is a really messed up thing to have going on in your life. I know because i have been dealing with it with my brother, who would probably be the first to say that he could have been wiser about eating habits. So, good to give some thought to the matter rather than to just dig in to fill up your gut, is what I'm saying.
I'd love to hear more details about this diet of yours. Being able to run off of fat stores sounds really useful, especially if you manage to avoid a big drop in energy along the way. Thanks in advance for any answer you choose to give.


Tim, its a big subject... could yammer on for hours about it.... Basically its very low carb, medium protein and high fat way of eating. Meat, fish, eggs, butter, bacon, (As clean as you can get), green veggies, heavy cream, etc basically nothing processed... Turns the body from burning glycogen (sugar) to burning ketones (from fat) as fuel. The brain prefers it as a fuel. I have lots of energy, no slumps, when i'm full on keto, fell off the wagon for my birthday but back on for 6 days now. have a read :)

I am shedding body fat (Visibly in 6 days!) and building muscle at the same time. Mind is clear, blood pressure has come down from 150/95 to 117/79 this morning! I dig it.

Loads of science to back it up and plenty of resource on the net to trawl through.

(And no its not Atkins before you think so) :)
I agree it's worth the thought Jay, but I believe we are all actually too uneducated to really make a great choice here.

Almost any recommendation we hear or read has to do with a chemical reaction or two somewhere in our bodies, but not all the reactions in all of our entire systems. They just don't understand the whole picture yet and are guessing the best they can for what they know.

We are still in the dark ages as far as medicine and health is concerned in my opinion.

One might guess that balance and moderation would be the answer, but I think it would only be a guess.
Excellent post!

Its gotta be the future right Butch> We survived millions of years eating this way, only in the last 100 years since the agricultural revolution have all the diseases popped up, and the gov insist diabetics eat plenty of bread and pasta on their 'diet' lol!?? Its the drug companies in control of the populations health, and they of course want us to be as sick as possible. Asshats!

Just reading this page again surely must make you think about it? Its a damn tasty way of eating!
I can't get over this new all natural fruit. I cut an apple open the other day and let it sit on the table for an hour, and it never even changed color. That don't seem right to me
Benn, I think I've heard of some of the endurance mountain climbers doing this- they don't want to carry a lot of food with them due to the weight so they train their body to burn fat reserves for fuel so that they can get by without eating much food at all.