Destrehan LA--arborist around?

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  • #4
I'd cable it. But those pruning cuts look too severe to me.

That's with a guesstimate that there is a lot of rot in the fork. if not, a lighter trim, and one that would conserve present dimensions, as measurements matter to ENTS.
A few braces might help as well.

Guy, I'd say you were underpricing that job a bit at only $300-400.
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  • #9
Re price, true. my bids include 1 climber me and zero cleanup. and i may not belong, but it is a church...first i would try to see how well off they are. double that would be closer to market value. lots of guessing, not knowing what is in that fork.
A church may be a non profit corporation, but they are still a corporation. They need to shell out what is needed for a land mark tree. They would do no less for the building they reside in. Like Nick said... that would probably buy the cable. If there was an Aroborist as a member, I could understand donating time.... Too many charities, to little time.
For a church, not worth it. Every old bitty will say how it cost to much or wasn't done right no matter the outcome.
You will get more bad mouthing then any good press.
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  • #14
I didn't notice that price. In my book, that would get them only a cable. No pruning.

Heavenly pricing in the city of angels! Cables are typically $2-250 each from others i talk to but that one is trickier than average; i'm a t&m kinda guy and i saw ~3 hrs in the tree, based on that little bitty picture. but i'd rather spend the whole day up there...disclaimer; i tend to underbid at first unless i think on things a while. and churches may not need charity if you know what i mean...
We install cables for $75/each... Maybe $125 for an Amon.

I never understood why. I wouldnt even take my Silverado out of the driveway for $75/cable much less mobilizing our crews @ Big Green, hell we usually roll 2-3 F700 Buckets to a given job...
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  • #16
"We install cables for $75/each...

good golly that can not be true--thats material cost for one like this with wedgegrips.

"Maybe $125 for an Amon.

Amon-eye nut? what is Amon?
Is the original poster from destrehan? I've done lots of donations for churches and it's payed me huge dividends. Churches are full of people like wal mart, plenty of assholes, but plenty of awesome folks. I'm curious as to if there is any new info on this ...
Yes, stupid cheap on the cables.

Nick, 2-3 f700s to the job? Maybe not efficient but no doubt impressive looking.
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  • #20
Arborkeith i saw it on the ENTS forum/blog/whatever, Native Tree Society. If you're close to there and get a look in that fork take a pic willya?
It's a couple of hours from me but my brother in law is from luling la right near there and my best friend works in metarie. I'm sure I can make an excuse to swing down there in the near future.