Paul B
I dig hammocks.
So my old computer had a hard disk failure last year and I used it as an excuse to buy a new CPU (the computer died honey, I need to buy a new one
The old CPU has been a doorstop since then.
Package includes:
AMD Athlon 1700 (thats the number printed on the chip, I thought it was the 1400xp) Chip
K7S5A motherboard
Rockwell 56K modem
Radeon ATI 64Meg video card (fan was off balance once in a while it would make a shudder noise but it never failed or quit)
2 RAM sticks, I THINK they were 512meg each, they might only be 256's
everything worked when the hard drive died so I assume it still does.
for the lot, $30 US plus $5 handling plus actual shipping cost.
any takers? I will leave it up here for like 48 hours then it will go to Ebay if there is no interest.

The old CPU has been a doorstop since then.
Package includes:
AMD Athlon 1700 (thats the number printed on the chip, I thought it was the 1400xp) Chip
K7S5A motherboard
Rockwell 56K modem
Radeon ATI 64Meg video card (fan was off balance once in a while it would make a shudder noise but it never failed or quit)
2 RAM sticks, I THINK they were 512meg each, they might only be 256's
everything worked when the hard drive died so I assume it still does.
for the lot, $30 US plus $5 handling plus actual shipping cost.
any takers? I will leave it up here for like 48 hours then it will go to Ebay if there is no interest.

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