Christmas Lights


Island Girl
Mar 22, 2005
Has anyone put up their lights yet? I am still working on the office, have one more adjustment to make, then I will post a picture. I have to say, what a pain in the rear it is to get them all to work.

Post your pictures, we would love to see them.
I toss a few strings in the shrubbery, LEDs, keeps the kid and wife happy. Easy cleanup. Also done roughly mid summer. :)
ok, official with then without snow. haha, I think I need to step it up next year.


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A sprig of mistletoe would look good with that, Brian.
Good stuff Brian:lol:

Paul, you need the hanging deer to go with the other one you have!

I put some lights up for other people the other day, not into decorating my own home though. My wife does make me drive the family around one evening and look at everyone elses lights though:D
I don't decorate anything around my place but I get a few gigs hanging lights in trees every year. We're late lighting the Post Oak at Carr Mill, I help a friend do that every year... awesome girl watching. We aren't doing that one till the 14th though.
Hedge? Skimmia japonica believe it or not, thats what 25 years of growth will get ya. :) We do the evening drive around as well usually but this year I am thinking of getting us down to here to check out a big light show.
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This is pretty much the same design as last year.


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My wife coned her nephew into helping her put the lights up outside while I watched his little bother and Bubba. It was 39 and she doesn't do well with the cold, so they hurried.
Got them all up and only half of them work! I noticed this when I went out and told her, "Oh well, it's good enough this year!"
I had to chuckle.
I still need to get a pic of the Griswalds place, they only did about a quarter of it this year, I was surprised they didn't go all out again.
I'm off to light the Post Oak in downtown Carrboro. It'll take a couple of days, I'll try to remember to get pictures.

Always been a volunteer gig in the past but I get paid this year!