Certified Pesticide Applicator exam?

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Nov 1, 2013
Wasn't quite sure where to post this..

I am getting ready for my VT Pesticide Applicator exam... the highest level, plus 2 categories: Forest Pest Control and Ornamental and Shade Tree.

So 3 exams...

Has anyone taken a similar state exam, and was it easier or harder than the ISA Certified Arborist exam?

Not US based exams, but I've got UK ones.

Different content from ISA Cert arb. for sure, but like any exam, know what the assessment criteria will be then study accordingly!

Mine had verbal exam for underpinning knowledge then practical exams for safety, calibration, application...backpack sprayers and tractor mounted. You HAD to get the calibration equations correct and apply the simulated chemical correctly and accurately on the measured area, +/- 5%. No safety violations either, filling applying and cleaning.

If they don't have a practical component, I can't see the point.
It's a joke here in the US from what Dad said. When he took the test, he said guys had their notes out and everything and no one said a word about it.
I have the ornamentals & turf insecticide/fungicide and the herbicide in Oregon, not easy tests here. I took classes and then the test at the end of the class, self study was too boring for me to focus but the classes were good. See if a community college has the prep class
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Thanks. I know "easy" means different things to different people. I heard all about how "easy" the ISA exam is, and I'm sure it's way easier than what it used to be, but I am glad I studied my azz off anyway. Yes, it's basic, but they have a way they want each question answered.

This kind of stuff is very difficult for me, it's like pulling teeth. I would rather sit down and tattoo myself than study. What I have found works is I schedule the test, so then I have no choice, and I sit down and take notes from the study guide, basically copy the study guide into my note book. Then I make flash cards of anything iffy right before the exam. The nice thing about actually studying instead of winging it is I can remember the info later.

Mostly just checking if this would be overkill for the pesticide cert.. because I have heard very mixed things about how "hard" it is. I have 3 weeks to study, and its not like the arborist exam where I have experience in the field or at least in the tree.
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OK I just wanted to update this thread. My state exams were MUCH harder than the ISA CA exam. I don't know how it is in other states, but they do take it seriously around here. I have now passed the core exam, and 3 categories but it took me 2+ months of self-study. Now I am licensed for forest, shade tree/ornamental & turf. No practical component, seems like they are really just trying to weed out the slackers.