Climbing Up
NOLA ? Must have been climber clearences ? didnt bust your ass to bad did I ?.....lol
You may have worked with Blink, Greg. He got sucked into JC's line of bullshit as well believe.
NOLA ? Must have been climber clearences ? didnt bust your ass to bad did I ?.....lol
Pantheraba, what the heck was your name again ?....and you pic is good to just what I want...Thankyou
NOLA ? Must have been climber clearences ? didnt bust your ass to bad did I ?.....lol
The biggest issue I can see with the hitchclimber pulley is that it puts the carabiner and rope end splice/knot right up against your friction hitch. I'm much happier with both carabiners attached to the saddle so that there is less interference with my hitch.
I'd post a picture but my 'puter crashed a couple months ago and it's off getting fixed right now. Hobby Climber posted a picture of his VT hitch a week or two ago that is identical to mine, with the identical lifeline, cord and carabiners as mine. Maybe he will repost it here.
Naughty Naughty. That was the third time I was down there I believe under QRI doing all the Clearences at the Baseball field. Did you end up making any money?
Here's my current setup, Greg. [...]
I stole that idea from Tophopper. Been running it every since. I had the micky mouse pulley...for a day. Sucked, like the hitchclimber...it puts everything too close. The single biner like mine has a nice gap to it. Simple, no frill, and less jingle.
Here's my rig.
Just fell off the turnip truck, I did!